Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Valley of Flowers Chapter 17

ARNAV woke from his sleep when he heard vigorous clinking. He stretched his arm to grasp at thin air, realizing that Khushi was no longer in bed. Why did she have to be up before him every morning? He walked toward the clinking sound.
His eyes widened and his heart beat increased at the vision that welcomed him. Khushi stood at the pool side, her head bent to one side, drying her long and lustrous hair in the morning sun. She wore a beautiful orange saree, her creamy back exposed, except for the thin strip that held the blouse together. As he stepped into the pool side, his hands raised of their own volition to trace the shoulder blades jutting out temptingly.
Khushi jumped up at his touch and swung her head, her hair plastering itself across his chest, spraying him with water. ‘Arnav …I am sorry.’
‘Are you?’ He raised his eye-brows. ‘I am not so sure about that.’
‘I am I --’ Khushi stopped when she saw her husband’s bare chest, his pyjamas hanging really low on his hips. She lowered her eyes, the colour on her face going up a few shades higher as she took a step back.Arnav moved ahead a step, for each step she took, never taking his eyes off her, until her back touched the wall.
‘What are you going to do now, Mrs Khushi Singh Raizada?’ Arnav challenged his wife.
Suddenly a jolt went through him as he felt Khushi’s hands tracing his abs,her luminous eyes staring up at him. As her hands inched up to his chest, Arnav’s jaw tightened as he felt his body hardening. She raised herself on her toes and brought her glistening lips to an inch from his and just as he closed his eyes, she pushed him out of her way and ran around the pool and stood across from it laughing.
‘Khushi, I think you forget that we share a room,’ Arnav said, his lips twisted in a smirk. ‘You are going to pay for this.’
‘Go for a shower and get ready,’ she called out as she stepped out of the pool side. ‘Your breakfast will be ready by then.’

A little later, Khushi made Arnav’s Columbian coffee and brought it for him as he sat munching on his toast, reading news on his ipad. Before she could go could back into the kitchen, he grabbed her hand, ‘Join me.’
‘Arnav,’ she hesitated, ‘I have to see to breakfast. You know Hariprakash is not here.’
There was no way in hell she could say no those hypnotic caramel eyes. She sat next to him and picked up a toast while he devoured his omelette.
‘This omelette is fantastic Khushi,’ Arnav said sipping his coffee, ‘what have you put in it?’
‘Why don’t you also ask her who gave her permission to make it in the first place?’ Mamiji’s shrill voice filled the otherwise silent house. ‘She knows we are a pure vegetarian household.’
Khushi stood up from her chair. ‘I …. I used a separate pan for this mamiji.’
‘How did you even think of buying eggs Khushi?’
‘Amma,’ Akash came up just behind his mother. ‘The eggs were already in the house. The doctors recommended them to me for more protein, remember?’
‘Thank you for reminding your mother for us Akash,’ Naniji joined the group at the table.
‘If you are done serving your husband his special breakfast, can we expect some breakfast for ourselves?’ Mamiji addressed Khushi.
‘I will look into it right away mamiji.’ Khushi rushed into the kitchen.
Arnav’s anger went up a few notches. When Payal came in to breakfast with little Ashu in her arms he said, ‘Payal, could you please help Khushi in the kitchen today?’
Payal looked at Akash who stood up and took Ashu in his arms. ‘Go on Payal.’
Mamaji, Anjali and Shyam joined them. Soon Khushi brought hot piping parathas and began serving them.
‘Now will you tell us why you asked us all to assemble for breakfast?’ Naniji asked her daughter-in-law.
‘I just wanted to let you all know that my nephew Nandakishore is getting engaged this evening.’ She announced looking smug.
‘What?’ Akash was stunned at the sudden announcement. ‘NK is getting engaged? Is maasi here?’
‘Yes she is here for the engagement. But she decided to stay with NK,at his flat. She is uncomfortable coming here.’ She looked at Khushi pointedly.
‘Isn’t this a little sudden? Akash said.
‘This was the exact same question people asked me after Arnav and Khushi’s wedding.’
Akash was visibly embarrassed at his mother’s snide remark.
Arnav stood up. ‘I have to get to work,’ he said looking at Khushi, indicating her to come up with a small movement of his head. Khushi acknowledged that with her eyes and the slightest smile on her lips. This entire exchange went unnoticed by everyone except for one man – Shyam. He fisted his hands in frustration.

Khushi came into the room just as Arnav unplugged his laptop from the power source, so he could pack his bag.
‘What’s wrong with mami?’ he said winding up the wire of his laptop. ‘Why does she just sit around and order you about like that?’
Khushi picked up his coat from the bed and walked up to him. ‘Arnav this is a joint family. You have been away too long.’
‘Joint family doesn’t mean that one person works her a** off all the time.’
‘Let it go Arnav.’
Arnav pursed him lips in exasperation. ‘Be ready by five,’ he said when Khushi helped him with his coat. ‘The party is in Mr Malhotra’s farm house. It will take some time to get there.’Arnav looked as handsome as ever in his charcoal grey suit and white shirt.
Khushi’s eyes widened. ‘Are we going to Nanheji’s engagement party?’
‘Why?’ Arnav asked her, adjusting his sleeve. ‘Is there a problem?’
‘It’s just that …I thought ….’
‘Khushi, he is the one who didn’t turn up at the wedding. He is the one who should be ashamed of himself. Why should we avoid him?’
‘But ---’
He turned around to look at her, his brown eyes serious. ‘We are going there tonight on Mr Malhotra’s invitation.’
A lock of his hair fell across his forehead and Khushi’s heart skipped a beat. ‘You already knew about this?’
‘Yes I did,’ he agreed. ‘Don’t worry, I am not going to rough up your Nanheji,’ he assured her. ‘That’s what you were worried about, weren’t you?’
‘No.’ She shook her head even though her almond eyes reflected her guilt.
‘And before I forget,’ he said fastening his tie, ‘be ready to go to Agra this Saturday. We have to meet Mr Sheik.’
‘Again?But I have classes in the weekend.’
‘I think it is time you made some changes Khushi.’
‘What about the office?’ Khushi said in a low voice, dreading what he was going to say.
‘Do you want to work in the office?’
‘Not really --’ She paused. How could she tell him t hat she needed the money for her parents? Marriage changed everything, Khushi thought with dismay. ‘It’s just that ---’
Suddenly, he pulled her to himself holding her waist and took her lips between his, taking his time exploring her mouth with his tongue. Khushi grabbed his shoulder, her entire body heating up.Helet her go just as suddenly. ‘Payback was never sweeter.’ He smirked.

That afternoon, Khushi stepped out of her father’s room. She had sat talking to him until he dozed off for his afternoon nap.Buaji was out visiting a relative, making it obvious that she was still upset with her.She looked at her mother preparing something in the kitchen.
Earlier in the morning, she had been pleasantly surprised to find her in the living room, talking to naniji. Garima had surprised her further whenshe had told her she had come to take her home for her pag phera.
Khushi had waited all her life for this – her mother’s attention. When she had come to her maasi’s house after her parent’s death, she had craved for Garima’s affections, but her maasi was reserved toward her, lost in her own quiet world, having built impenetrable barriers around herself.  In her heart Khushi knew that Garima loved her but hesitated to express it openly in the presence of the ever irritable Buaji. All that had changed on the evening of her wedding.

Garima shut the door and came up to Khushi. ‘Why are you saying no to Arnav, Khushi?’ she demanded.
Khushi was completely taken aback by her question. ‘Aren’t you angry with me?’ She looked at Garima and then at Shashi.
‘Khushi, we both know you only agreed to NK’s proposal because we wanted you to accept.’ Shashi nodded his approval.
‘I have been such a horrible mother.’
‘No Amma!’
‘Let me say it Khushi. I have neglected you so much. It’s just that there has been so much tragedy in our lives. Your ammababuji and before that  ---‘ She paused, ‘—never mind. I had been wallowing in grief and had not realized that you were a little girl who needed more than just a roof over her head and a meal in her stomach. I am sorry.’
Khushi went up to Garima and hugged her real hard. ‘Please don’t say such things amma.’
Garima hugged her daughter and stepped back, holding a hand to her cheek. ‘Khushi listen to me. I know you love Arnav. You loved him five years ago and haven’t ever forgotten him. I have seen you pining for him. Follow your heart dear girl.’
‘Amma,’ Khushi said sadly, ‘the problem is Arnav is not interested in marriage.’
Garima smiled at her daughter. ‘Khushi, the way Arnav bitwa stood up in your support today, I truly believe he has a good heart. You know you will be miserable without him. Don’t let go of this chance at happiness.’
Khushi went up to her babuji and sat down next to his chair. He put his hand on her head. ‘Your mother is right bitiya. Be happy.’

Khushi went up to her mother and hugged her from behind. ‘Amma, thank you so much for bringing me home for pag phera.’
‘Well, you should also thank your husband.’
Khushi stepped back and turned her mother toward her. ‘What?’
‘Since your father-in-law fell ill the day after your wedding and passed away within the week, I couldn’t bring you home. And then I wasn’t sure when the time would be appropriate. Arnav bitwa called me yesterday and told me I should bring you home for pag phera.’
‘Oh?’ Khushi was stunned. Arnav had called her mother and reminder her? Why? Then she remembered the conversation she had with Arnav with regards to her work. ‘Amma, this month there might be a little change in the monthly expense amount as I --- ’
‘Monthly expense? You don’t have to worry about it anymore.’ Seeing Khushi’s surprise she said, ‘Didn’t Arnav tell you?He has made arrangements for a monthly allowance to be deposited in our account starting this month.’
Laad Governor! Couldn’t he have told her? Khushi wondered why Arnav was doing all this for her. He had told her he wanted to put the past behind them, but had he really forgotten everything to this extent?
Hearing a knock on the door, she went up to it to open it and was surprised to find Arnav standing at the doorstep.
‘What are you doing here?’ she said her dhak-dhak beginning.
‘Firstly, your mom invited me for coffee,’ he said moving her bodily out of the way. Secondly, we have to go to NK’s engagement remember?’
Khushi put a hand on head. ‘Hey Devi Maiyya, I forgot!’
‘I thought so,’ he said.‘Thankfully you have a very perceptive husband.’ He handed her a gift bag.‘Get ready.’
Khushi went into her room feeling a little irritated by her husband’s imperiousness. He had to control everything didn’t he? She took her gift out of the bagand was momentarily stunned by its beauty.
 It was a soft georgette sareein a darker pink shade. The design on the border was a flower and vine design. There were three flower motifs, of which one wasmade of soft blue satin material, embellished with dark blue and white stones and a huge white stone adorning the centre.The other two flowers had lavender satin embellished by baby pink and white stones. The vines were made of dull gold sequins, and the leaves were a combination of green and blue sequins. Lines of gold and light blue sequins adorned the pleats. The blouse was crepe in matching colour with blue and gold sequined work all over it.
Next, Khushi found a box inside the bag along with the saree. She opened it to find the most beautiful, delicate, intricately designed necklace and matching earringsand bracelet in white stone. Though there was no label on the box, Khushi was sure the stones were real diamond.
‘I can’t wear this!’ Khushi came out and stood in the living room, draped in the saree.
Khushi looked stunning as the soft material hugged her curves like a second skin, the little diamond drops in her ears, sparkling as it caught some light.Arnav didn’t speak for a few seconds as he put the cup of coffee down on the table and stood up.
‘What the ---?’ He cleared his throat. ‘Why?’
‘This is too much,’ she said sweeping her hand toward herself. ‘This design is gaudy. I am not used to wearing such things.’
‘Khusi, this saree is beautiful.’ Garima said evenly. ‘It is not at all gaudy.’
‘Only you would call a designer saree gaudy Khushi.’ Arnav said in a clipped tone. ‘In any case there is no other choice. We are already running late.’

As they entered Malhotra’s farm house, Mr Malhotra and his wife greeted them warmly. Vishal Malhotra briefly mentioned his regret about what had happened, hoping they would let all bygones be bygones. As he took them to meet the Chopras, one of the VM’s directors,Khushi saw speculation in the guests’ eyes.  She didn’t blame them. The last time she was here she was introduced as NK’s fiancée and today, at NK’s engagement, she was being introduced as Mrs Arnav Singh Raizada. She began to feel cold,as a strange anxiety filled her.
Suddenly, she felt Arnav slip his fingers into hers and the warmth from his hand seeped into hers calming her frayed nerves,considerably.
As Akash came up to them, Arnav gave their excuses and pulled her away from the group. Khushi saw Mama and Mamiji sitting at a table with Payal.There was a woman sitting next to Mamiji and the uncanny family resemblance left no doubt in Khushi’s mind that it was NK’s mother.
‘Dadi decided to stay back and babysit Ashu,’ Akash explained Naniji’s absence, ‘Where is Di?’ ‘She had to go to the hospital to get her cast fixed,’ Khushi said, ‘She should be here soon.’
As Arnav introduced Khushi to some of his acquaintances, she felt a little bad for the fuss she had created at the house earlier about the saree. The envy in the women’s eyes was palpable as they complimented her saree. Khushi knew it was not the saree that was bothering her. It was Arnav.
He had arranged for a monthly allowance for her parents and earlier he had made a donation to her dance school enabling scholarship for six students. Reminding her mother about the pagphera was the sweetest thing. He was sweeping her off her feet.
‘Khushi,’ Arnav broke into her thoughts. ‘Di is here.’ Anjali was being wheeled in by Dr Manav.
‘How are you Dr Manav?’ Arnav shook hands him.
‘I am fine thank you,’ he said in a deep voice.Dr Manav looked different today, thought Khushi as she took in his crisp white half sleeved shirt, beige trousers and brown shoes. She realized he had trimmed his beard, making him look younger than she thought he was. He was in his mid-thirties Khushi surmised.
‘Where is Shyam?’ Arnav enquired about his brother-in-law.
‘I don’t know.’ Anjali replied. ‘I have been waiting for his phone for so long. When I tried calling it was switched off. Since it was too late to call you, Manav was forced to drop me.’
‘It was absolutely no trouble at all Anajli,’ Manav smiled. ‘Now that you in safe hands I should leave.’
Just then Mr Malhotra came up to them. ‘Dr Manav! It is so nice to see you. It is my daughter’s engagement. You have to stay. Come, I will take you to them.’
‘Congratulations Mr Malhotra,’ Manav shook hands with the older man.
‘Manav is a psychiatrist,’ Anjali whispered to Khushi when the men went ahead of them. ‘I am guessing half the crowd here are his patients.’
‘Dr Manav is a psychiatrist?’ Khushi was surprised.
‘Yes, he consults at the facility where I work,’ Anjali explained. ‘He was dad’s doctor. He also owns the hospital where dad was admitted. Since he knew me – and dad well, he took a personal interest in his treatment.’
As they walked together, Khushi’s heart began beating a little unevenly in anticipation of the awkwardness.As the wishes were being meted out, Khushi was surprised to find herself absolutely relaxed when she saw the radiant look on the Ria Malhotra’s face, even though that was not the case with her fiancé. NK looked handsome in his steel grey suit, blue shirt and a scarf around his neck. His straight black hair looked perfect, contrasting with the fair skin on his clean shaven face. But he looked uncomfortable as he accepted their wishes.
When other guests came to wish the couple, Khushi stepped back heaving a sigh of relief. Arnav was engaged in a conversation with Mr Malhotra and seeing Anjali being wheeled toward the buffet area by Dr Manav, she slipped away from the room and stepped into the patio area at the far end of the living room inhaling the crisp night air.

At first Khushi thought there was no one there as she stood inhaling the crisp night air but then the hair on the back of her neck stood up as she heard the shrill voice of Lavanya Kashyap Singhania.
‘Youdid exactly what I was afraid of.’
‘Lavanyaji?’ Khushi turned around in surprise.
‘How could you be so cheap? You went behind my back and jumped into his bed when I was not in town for the past month. You knew he would be forced to marry you!’
‘That’s not true Lavanyaji!’
‘Just shut up!’ she spat out.‘If you think that this so called farce of a marriage is going to stop Arnav and me you are highly mistaken!’
Khushi couldn’t hear anymore. She ran into the sprawling lawns as fast as her legs could take her. In her hurry she almost bumped into someone and quickly apologized. ‘Sorry.’
‘Khushi…’ She looked up to see it was NK. Hey Devi Maiyya! It was just not her day was it?
‘I am really sorry Khushi,’ he began again.
‘I don’t want ---’
‘Please Khushi…..please let me explain what happened.’
NK began to speak when Khushi stood silently. ‘After you told me about Arnav being the man in your past, it began to bother me a little bit.’
‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ Khushi demanded.
He shrugged his shoulder. ‘I had so gallantly told you that it didn’t matter to me that I felt awkward,’ he said kicking an imaginary stone with his shoe. ‘So I thought a trip home, to Australia would clear my head. After a few days, Ria came there – to meet me. I … I told her everything and she yelled at me for being a complete fool. We fought and she walked away.’
‘I didn’t know what to do as we were supposed to leave for Delhi the next day. I found myself going back to Ria’s place to apologize and one thing led to another ---’ He left the sentence unfinished.
‘When I got back home, mom told me about the anonymous phone call she received and told me that she was going to call off the wedding. She was extremely distraught.
‘I told her that the stranger could be lying. But she called the hotel right away and found out that you had dinner there and that they couldn’t give her information if you stayed there or not. I was confused ---’
‘Confused my a**!’ Arnav’s chilling voice reached them in the dim garden light. ‘You suddenly decided to believe some stranger over Khushi.’ NK and Khushi turned around to look at Arnav.
‘You better beg for her forgiveness you spineless b@#$&*!’ Arnav grated. ‘You left her at in the middle of a wedding. Do you know what she had to go through with the obnoxious aunts breathing fire down her neck?’
‘You have some nerve calling me names!’ NK retorted angrily. ‘If you hadn’t come here all this would never have happened.’
‘You have got to be kidding me!’ Arnav mocked. ‘Could you be that blind you couldn’t see Khushi was not into you man? I can’t be held responsible for your delusions.’
‘Arnav, no!’ Khushi exclaimed anxiously.
NK’s was outraged. ‘How dare you call me delusional? You say Khushi was not into me. And why do you think that was? She was still hurting from the pain you gave her years ago!’
‘Nanheji!’ Khushi put a hand to head. In her attempt not to reveal much about her past she seemed to have created confusion in NK’s mind about what actually happened. She could see Arnav’s anger building up as his fisted his hands. NK wasn’t it the mood to listen to her.
‘Now, when she could have found some happiness with me you had to butt right in. Ria had been warning me about you but I didn’t take her seriously.’
‘And you think Ria was doing this out of pure friendship,’ Arnav remarked. ‘This is exactly why I called you delusional.’
‘How dare you?’ NK came up to Arnav and held the lapels of his jacket.
‘Get your hands off me right now! ’ Arnav’s menacing voice sliced through the air.
‘Are you threatening me Arnav?’ NK said mockingly. ‘Do you think you are a hero or something?’
‘Let it go Nanheji. He will really hit you.’Khushi intervened. Being heavier than Arnav in build, NK obviously thought he could take on Arnav. But he hadn’t seen him single handedly tackle the four men who had attacked her near the Shiv-Gauri mandir. He fought with the grace of a panther, light and quick. NK wouldn’t even know what hit him.
‘Do you think I am afraid of him?’ Then he turned toward Arnav. ‘Why are so worked up anyway? My no-show worked out in your favour.’
‘That is besides the point,’ Arnav said his anger going up another notch.‘Don’t think that I married Khushi because you didn’t show up. I had already made up my mind. I made it on time for the wedding which was supposedly advanced to an earlier date. When forces of nature couldn’t stop me from getting here, what are you?
‘You had absolutely no chance whatsoever. Khushi belongs to me. Always.’ Arnav held NK’s hands and pushed him away with enough force that he staggered.
‘Nanheji, are you okay?’ Khushi exclaimed in agitation. NK looked at Khushi his face twisted cruelly. ‘Keep your false sympathies to yourself,’ he spat out. ‘You gave everything to him years ago and pretended to care for me. You told me some cock and bull story about losing your way in the fog when the truth is that you were warming his bed in The Oberoi, Amarvilas!’
NK found himself sprawled on the floor in the next instant. ‘Don’t you dare speak to my wifelike that you son of a ---!’
‘NO!’ Khushi interposed herself, a hand on Arnav’s chest, knowing he would beat NK to a pulp in the rage he was in. She looked at NK, sitting on the grass nursing his bleeding lip. ‘I told you he will hit you.’
She flashed her angry eyes at Arnav who was still poised to fight and walked away her whole body quaking with rage.

Later that night, Khushi and Arnav entered their bedroom after bidding good night to Anjali.
‘Khushi, are you angry with me?’ Arnav said as she saw Khushi striding into their bedroom, her body language clearly telling him she was still angry. She had given him the silent treatment all through dinner. He hadn’t been able to talk to her in the car as Anjali had accompanied them back.
Khushi ignored him as she unclasped her diamond bracelet putting it on the table with a little more force than necessary.
‘Great!’ He took off his tie and threw it on the floor. ‘I wish you had shown this aggression to NK.’
‘Why?’ Khushi demanded as she took off her earrings. ‘What was wrong with what he said? I did pretend with him. He has every right ---‘
‘This is unf@#$%ingbelievable!’ He took off his jacket and tossed it on the bed.‘That man doesn’t turn up at his wedding – your wedding, and you say he has every right? ’
‘He was confused.’ Khushi took off her necklace and put it on the dresser, refusing to react to Arnav’s fury.
‘Was he confused when he took Ria to his bed?’
‘Don’t talk crap Arnav!’ She flashed her eyes at him horrified.
‘God! How can you be so naive? Didn’t he say he went to Ria and one thing led to another? What do you think that means?’
‘So … so what?’ She said defensively. ‘It is good that they realized they love each other.’
Arnav lifted his hands, his brown eyes simmering with a barely controlled temper. ‘I give up. I can’t believe you are still supporting a guy who didn’t trust you when you told him the truth about what happened in Agra. Why Khushi?
‘Was it because he lent you his frigging shoulder when you cried to him about how I hurt you cruelly five years ago? He strode angrily to the door and yanked it open. ‘Maybe I am the one who is delusional.’
He left her standing, her shoulders slumped, tears streaming down her cheeks.


  1. Oh why do they fight like this! This will go on until the whole truth comes out! The nerve of NK! Iam with Arnav on this one! First he listen to Riya about talking shit abou khushi and he go and sleep with her and he listen to his mother and doesn't believe Khushi! He doesn't show up for the marriage and didn't care what will happen to Khushi but now he claims that she played with him? Did Khushi ever tell him that she love him?
    And what hell is wrong with Lavaniya? Did she and Arnav really have a those kind if relationship?
    To many problem for Khushi!


  2. That was strong n very emotional update...
    Why was khushi more concerned abt N.k than abt her marriage with Arnav...?
    If at all she wanted to justify abt N.k s behaviour...she could have told him that just as Arnav believed everything his mom told him abt khushi so did N.K....?
    Is khushi really justified in not telling arnav abt the deal his mom made with her even after her death n risking every happiness in her life...?
    I really don't understand why is khushi so interested in becoming MAHAN by not revealing the truth to arnav n risking both their happiness..? Looks like another round of SEPERATION is ahead soon

  3. Wow! You surely take us on emotional roller coaster.....they being together all lovey dovey in the start...back to being angry and upset by the end of the update.:(((((.....
    This Mami is getting on to my nerves along with Lavanaya...I want Arnav to shut them up, wish Arnav had overheard La and Khushi's convo rather than NK n Khushi's...poor NK, yes, he acted like a weakling at his wedding, but he is not a bad person, we all react differently to a situation when confused and under pressure....hopefully he will be happy with Ria...
    Coming back to Khushi......what all she has to endure....everyone ready to pounce on her from all ends...thank God for little mercy on that poor soul in form of her Amma, Garima....atleast someone realised their mistake, and showered some love upon her......when will her Agni-Pariksha end......
    Please give us smashing making up.....MU can rear its ugly head in the following update;)))
    Thanks for the update all the more anxious for next n hugs.....

  4. Khushi is Khushi...going on forgiving everybody....
    its tym for her to be selfish and stay happy with arnav....

    arnav is so sweet...he reminded garima regarding khushi's pag phera and also surprised her with a beautiful saree and jewelleries...

    Loved the update...waiting for the nxt...

  5. I love Arnav... by God!! hez the knight in shinning Armour :)
    why is Khushi always a scapegoat for everyone... :( but now that she has a stong support in Arnav beside she shud gv back to everyone!!!

  6. Damn it by supporting NK she is going to piss Arnav off

    Nk is such an A**

    Arnav should have hit NK more

    Khushi needs to wake up an be selfish, she needs to stand up for herself
    not try to pacify everybody

  7. It was a mind blowing update. Finally my efforts of stalking has paid off. I think ria tricked NK in to marriage. I think she eyed him from the beginning! Poor arnav. Cannot wait for the next update!

  8. thanks for the update. i love this story. awesome. close to my heart.

  9. Such a wonderful update, Mami just needs to get over it but ofc not.. I wish even she finds out that just before finding out about Khushi NK banged Ria
    Bless Khushi, she's so sweet and forgiving and i guess that pissed Arnav off, i wonder how he'll feel once he finds the truth about his own mother :O
    This update was wonderful can't wait to read more

  10. after such a long wait!!! that was so awsome, full of anderaline rush especially at the parts where Arnav punched NK but it's bothering me Why is it affecting Arhi's relationship now, and what happened to lavanya since she was threatening Khushi, jeez, the misunderstandings are getting twisted
    can't wait to read more
    thanks for the update:)

  11. very emotional update...why khushi didn't told arnav every thing about the misunderstanding .....plzzzz update it soon

  12. Why is Khushi supporting NK....? NK was nothing but a coward... I agree he was confused specially after Khushi told him that Arnav was the man in her life and after Ria told him that he was being a fool...but he should have talked to Khushi... Letting his mother call off the wedding at the last minute and leaving Khushi to face all the humiliation was just pathetic...
    I cant believe Lavanya... when will she get it through her thick head that Arnav has never been interested in her... Not 5 years ago n not now...
    Amazing update!

  13. This Mami is getting on to my nerves the way she always searches faults in Khushi.
    Arnav is so sweet. He reminded Garima regarding khushi's pag phera and also surprised her with a beautiful saree and jewelleries and arranged monthly allowences to Khushi's parents. Thank God!!!! for little mercy Khushi's Amma, Garima, atleast she realised and accepted her mistake and encouraged Khushi to marry Arnav.
    I wish Arnav had overheard Lavanya and Khushi's convo too.
    The nerve of NK. Iam with Arnav on this one. First he listen to Riya about talking shit about khushi and he go and sleep with her and he listen to his mother and doesn't believe Khushi. He doesn't show up for the marriage and didn't care what will happen to Khushi but now he claims that she played with him. Did Khushi ever tell him that she love him?... Good Arnav punched him Arnav a Khushi fought again.This will go on until the whole truth comes out. What happened to Khushi why is she more concerned abt N.k than abt her marriage with Arnav?
    "Was it because he lent you his frigging shoulder when you cried to him about how I hurt you cruelly five years ago? He strode angrily to the door and yanked it open. ‘Maybe I am the one who is delusional." .... reading these lines my heart went out for Arnav.

  14. I fully agree with Arnav in this instance. Khushi should wake up

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