Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Valley of Flowers Chapter 16

AS KHUSHI came down to for breakfast, Naniji looked at her grand daughter-in-law a little wistfully.
Life hadn’t changed too much for Khushi as she continued to do the same chores in the house that she did earlier. But instead of helping Payal, she was taking care of Anjali who had moved into the house having fractured her leg three weeks ago, following her father’s thirteenth day ceremony.
On the fateful day, Khushi had gone over for a visit and not being able to get through to her, had the door broken in, to find her unconscious at the foot of stairs. She had immediately called Dr Manav who had rushed to the house along with an ambulance. He had told her that Anjali was lucky it was just her leg and not her neck, head or spine. She had been put in a cast and had been told to rest for six weeks. As Shyam was busy at work, Naniji had suggested that Anjali move in so they could take care of her and had invited him to stay with them until Anjali recovered.
In the middle of breakfast, when she heard Manorama deride Khushi about something,Naniji closed her eyes in resignation. Manorama’s dislike for Khushi had increased considerably since the wedding. If she was condescending earlier, now she was downright disdainful, making it obvious that she had neither forgiven nor forgotten the wedding fiasco.
But Khushi didn’t seem to mind it at all, going about her work in her usual dedicated way. She took care of her orchids, in addition to the new plants Arnav had added since he had moved in. She babysat Ashu as the little boy was extremely attached to his maasi. She also continued to assist Akash with the new project, while she taught dance in the weekends. But there was a visible change in her.
Naniji had been talking to Anjali the other day discussing how Khushi seemed somewhat different. Married look became her as she adorned her forehead with sindoor and wore her mangalsutra short, closer to her neck. But it wasn’t just that. She looked stunningly incandescent. She seemed to have a certain spring in her step – almost like her eighteen year old self. They knew it was to do with Arnav, but what puzzled them was that Arnav wasn’t even in town in the past three weeks. He had left for the US the day after the ceremony. It had always been difficult to understand these two she thought with a sigh.
Payal came to breakfast with Ashu in her arms and Khushi took him from her and asked her to sit down next to Akash.
‘So what are the plans for holi tomorrow?’ Shyam asked munching on his paratha.
‘I am not in the mood for holi.’ Anjali said in a low-voice.
‘Rani Sahiba,’ Shyam said in his usual patronizing tone. ‘Babuji wouldn’t want you to sit around and cry all the time now, would he? I think you should celebrate life.’
‘I agree with Anjali damaadiji, it’s just too soon ---’ Naniji began.
‘But I am in the mood for a celebration, ’ Mamiji countered in her shrill voice. ‘I have invited our friends to come over tomorrow and there will definitely be celebrations.’
‘Mom please!’ Akash said.
‘Why Akash?’ Mamiiji demanded her voice rising. ‘Mr Arun Malik was dead to us a long time ago!’ Mamiji stated callously, mentioning her late brother-in-law’s name like he was a total stranger.
‘Manorama!’ Naniji was appalled at her daughter-in-law’s insensitivity in the presence of Anjali. Manorama stood up angrily and walked away.
‘This is not right Amma!’ Mamaji stood up in anger. ‘Why do you want her to stop celebrating holi? Because your ex-son-in-law died? Your daughter hated the man for God’s sake!’
‘Beta, listen ---’
‘No Amma, you listen,’ he cut her off. ‘Manorama is still upset because of what happened.’ He looked at Khushi pointedly. ‘She has had to face a lot of embarrassment with her side of the family. So I would suggest you just keep quiet in this matter.’ He walked away from the dining room.
‘Di, I am sorry.’ Akash apologized looking at Anjali’s stoic face.
‘We can’t stop living our lives Rani Sahiba.’Shyam placated her.
‘Whatever.’ Anjali wheeled herself away from the table.

Holi celebrations progressed with fervour in the outdoor garden area of the Raizada House. Refreshments like samosas, jalebis, and various other snacks were arranged on tables. Coloured powders in various hues were also kept at various places. There was a separate area where thandai and bhaang was made available for the guests. Loud music blared from the music system as the revellers applied holi on each other. As everything seemed to be in order, Khushi decided to make her way back to the house via the garden.
In spite of the festive atmosphere Khushi’s heart was heavy, knowing Anjali was still mourning for her father. The previous night, Khushi had taken little Ashu and gone to Anjali’s room to cheer her up. Even though she and the adorable little baby had managed to bring a smile to the older woman’s lips, Anjali had wistfully told her that she wished she was in her own house.
Lost in her thoughts, Khushi almost bumped into Shyam who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. ‘Where do you think you are going Khushiji?’
‘I am going back to the house.’
‘Aren’t you going to play?’ He asked affably.
‘No Shyamji I don’t feel like playing holi today.’ She wished he would get out the way. He had begun to creep her out.
‘What’s with everyone today?’ Shyam said with a little irritation in his tone. ‘There Anjali is all grumpy as well.’
‘Shyamji, her father just passed away!’ Khushi was a little surprised by his indifference.
‘He has been ill for a long time Khushiji. How long is she going to mourn for him?’
She was still reeling at his callousness when he said, ‘Now you, I understand Khushiji,’ his voice dropped down, ‘I know this marriage was not your choice.’
‘What are you talking about Shyamji?’ She was taken aback by his directness.
‘You don’t have to pretend with me Khushiji. I know that you had to marry Arnav because of your parents’ coercion.’
‘Shyamji, this is ---‘
He cut her off. ‘Did you find your jacket safe in your closet Khushiji?’
‘My …my jacket?
‘Yes, the one you left behind in The Oberoi Amarvilas hotel in Agra.’
Khushi had wondered how that jacket had appeared in her closet. And how did Shyam know about that?
‘Thankfully I was the one who received the courier when the hotel sent it to the house,’ he paused. ‘I put it in your closet.’
‘Khushiji, you are so naïve,’ Shyam said with a shake of his head. ‘You have no idea what is good for you. But don’t worry because I will take care of you.’
‘No!’ She said but her voice came out low.
Shyam didn’t seem to hear her. ‘But first things first,’ he sneered at her. ‘Let’s play holi.’ He bent down to take some colour from the packet he had kept on the ground.
‘I said no!’ Khushi spat out, stepping back a little. The she turned around and ran back into the party as fast as her legs could take her, blindly, uncaring of anything. Suddenly she crashed into a solid wall and would have fallen if two strong hands hadn’t caught her waist.
‘Khushi, watch out!’
She looked up to see she had braced her hands against the broad muscular chest of her husband. Her heart clamouring like a runaway train, Khushi broke into a smile and without thinking if anyone was watching she went on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around Arnav in a tight hug.
A few heartbeats later, she heard him whisper into her ear. ‘Khushi,if you press into me like this any longer I will have to carry you up to the bedroom right now.’
Khushi took her hands off him, realizing suddenly that people had stopped their revelry to watch them. But to her consternation he still hadn’t let her go. As she struggled in his arms she found Shyam standing just an arm’s length away with a packet of red colour in his hand, his eyes wide with shock. She looked him in the eye as she took a handful of powder from the packet, turned around and streaked Arnav on his face.
‘Bura na maano holi hai!’ She grinned impishly, raising her eyebrows in challenge.
Before she could guess his move, he bent down, rubbing his rough cheek against her soft ones, colouring her in the process and whispered huskily in her ear. ‘Same to you.’ Unaware that his brother-in-law was burning with intense rage, Arnav proceeded to colour her other cheek, suffusing Khushi with warmth that had nothing to do with the sun shining above.

An hour later, Khushi came into the bedroom, a bowl in her hand. ‘Here, take this,’ she said stepping up to Arnav. ‘This paste will help you take the colour off a little faster.’
‘That was quite a welcome you gave me there Khushi,’ Arnav said tongue in cheek, reminding her of the public hug.
‘I wasn’t trying to welcome you,’ she retorted. ‘Generally a welcome is rendered to those who are expected. But I didn’t know you were coming, did I?’
A small smile entered Arnav’s lips when he realized Khushi was miffed because he hadn’t called her. ‘Go ahead.’ He said laconically.
‘What?’ She asked raising her eyebrows.
‘Go ahead and apply the damn paste on me.’
Khushi’s dhak-dhak began as she dipped her fingers in the paste and rubbed it on his forehead, his cheek, his chin, her body suffusing with heat as her fingers were abraded by his stubble.
‘I ….I have to go now.’ She stuttered and took a step back.
‘You are not done yet.’ He held her hand with his and began to unbutton his shirt with his free hand, his caramel eyes simmering as it bore into hers.
‘I …I have to see to lunch.’
‘You should have thought of that before you --’ he paused,‘– what was it you said?’ his eyebrows snapped together. ‘Bura na mano, right?’
She couldn’t take her eyes off him. Seeing him in broad daylight, Khushi remembered the time she had sponged him to bring his fever down five years ago. He was well built then but now he was just spectacular, his body chiselled to perfection. His shoulders were broader, his biceps bigger and his muscles firmer on his chest and abs. Khushi felt a sizzling jolt going through her as she brought her shaking hands to his chest.
‘Khushi,’ he bit out his body hardening instantly.
She followed his eyes to see her finger on his nipple. Just as she was about to snatch her hand away he held her to himself. ‘Don’t.’
A loud knock on the door broke the sensuous spell they were in.
‘Who is it?’ Arnav barked his anger going up several notches.
‘You are needed down for lunch.’ Shyam replied.
‘What the ---?’ He whispered looking at Khushi in confusion. ‘You go ahead,’ Arnav called out loudly. ‘We will join you a little later.’
‘Maamiji wants Khushiji to help.’
‘Arnav let me go,’ Khushi implored.
‘We aren’t done yet.’ Arnav’s words followed her as she hurried out of the room, her entire body tingling with sensation.

Later that night, Khushi stood in the kitchen washing dishes. Thankfully, Arnav had back to back meetings after lunch and was still busy attending phone calls. But her relief was short lived.
‘What the f@#$!’ Arnav strode into the kitchen. ‘Do you know what time it is?’
‘No, but I am sure you are going to tell me,’ Khushi quipped as she rinsed a plate.
‘Where is Hariprakash?’ he demanded.
‘He has gone to his hometown for holi,’ Khushi replied, ‘he takes a month off at this time of the year.’
‘Isn’t there a maid who comes in the morning?’
‘Yes but I am washing the Corelle plates as the maid is a little clumsy and tends to break them.’
‘Then change the frigging maid! Get one who won’t break the plates.’
‘Do you know what you need right now Arnav?’ Khushi said without turning around.
‘This!’ She turned around and splashed a handful of water on his face. She took advantage of his shock to whizz past him into the living room, giggling like a school girl.
Before she could take a step on the stair his arm wrapped around her waist and she covered her face with her hands her body racked with uncontrollable laughter. Then in one swift movement he had swept her up in his arms and pulled her close to his chest. He looked into her laughing face, bent down to an inch from her lips, curbing her laughter in an instant. ‘You know I don’t need water to make you wet Khushi.’
Her mouth going dry Khushi buried her face into his neck as he strode up the stairs, a smirk on his face.
Shyam watched them from a darkened corner of the house, seething with rage and jealousy. Khushi and Arnav were physically intimate. It couldn’t be. Khushi didn’t even like Arnav. She hadn’t wanted to marry him. How had this happened?

Three weeks ago

She stood mutely, tears streaming down her cheeks as she stroked his hair gently, relieved that her husband was finally grieving for his father.
As she stood stroking his hair, he stilled and suddenly pulled her onto his lap and into his arms, crushing her mouth with his. The slow intimate movement of his lips against her was beginning to melt her insides in an achingly familiar way. She could feel grief being replaced by a deep, bitter-sweet yearning between them.
Tonight she couldn’t deny him anything, she would give him the comfort he needed. Her hands locked at the back of his neck, and her lips parted in surrender as she returned his kiss.
Her body trembled as she clung to him. He lifted a hand and stroked her face, her throat, his fingers moving to her braid to unravel them from their confines so it fell like a waterfall down her back. Her pallu had already slipped from her shoulder, down to her waist and his hands brushed down her full breasts to rest both his hands on her tiny waist almost covering it entirely.
His hands caressed her waist as it went up to the back of her blouse to unhook it, felt the material tear as he slipped it urgently from her shoulders.
She heard him murmur her name on a long shaken sigh, and her head fell back helplessly as his lips explored the long, sweet line of her throat. His hands moulded her bared breasts, his touch rough on her smooth and tender skin. Her body shivered with delight.
His mouth closed over one hardened peak, suckling in a heated demand, his stubble abrading her as he moved his attention to the other one. Khushi felt fire spreading through her veins as she responded with a fierceness that matched his own, her body moving against his in restless abandon.
He held her upper arms hard and pushed her onto the bed, his face flushed, his caramel eyes intent as he came down beside her.
His mouth closed on her once again with a sensual urgency and Khushi wrapped her arms around him, yielding to him totally, all inhibitions flown. She was weightless, floating on the sea of sensation he had aroused in her, vaguely aware that his hands were unravelling the pleats of her saree, sliding the in-skirt along with her last piece of clothing.
He moved away from her briefly and she watched with half-closed eyes as he shed his clothes. And then he came back to her.
As Arnav moved his hands down her body, she arched against him in mute invitation, totally giving. The moment his fingers came in contact with her molten core, she felt his self-control snap as he thrust his knees between her legs and entered her with one swift thrust.
Her voice broke on a little cry as a searing pain assailed her. He stilled right away, holding her to himself until he felt her move against him.
Exerting savage self-control he withdrew and pushed into her tentatively and she moved in accord with him, increasing her rhythm to match his raw passionate urgency.
Then suddenly she was engulfed in a pleasure so intense that she felt her body had shattered from head to toe. In her whirling dazed state she was vaguely aware that Arnav had reached his own climax as he made one final thrust into her.
She returned to normal breathing consciousness slowly. Arnav’s sweat-dampened body still rested languorously against hers. His eyes were closed, the dark arrogant lines of his face transmuted into a kind of vulnerability. As he rolled onto the bed, he gathered her to him his hand closing possessively on her waist. As her cheek rested against his chest, her own eyes drooped close lulled by the steady beat of his heart.

As the first rays of sunlight bathed her eyelids, Khushi woke up to find Arnav looking at her, his mesmerizing brown eyes serious. When she sat up with a jerk, his eyes moved downward, darkening instantly in the fraction of a second. She looked down to realize her breasts were exposed to his gaze and she quickly grabbed the comforter to cover herself, turning red with embarrassment.
‘Khushi,’ Arnav’s husky voice urged her to open her eyes. Her heart began beating painfully when she saw the look in his eyes. Was it regret?
But the next question dismissed all her fears. ‘Are you okay?’
She nodded her head unable to talk.
‘I mean,’ he paused, ‘Did I ….hurt you?’
Khushi lowered her eyes, twisting her comforter nervously. ‘No.’
‘Khushi I ….,’ he hesitated and then moved to the door. ‘I will be right back. Why don’t you freshen up in the mean time?’
Khushi heaved a sigh of relief when she saw Arnav close the door to the room. Her eyes spotted a white cloth next to her and realized it was her blouse, flushing as she remembered how the material had given way under his urgent fingers. She managed to grab some clothes and rushed into the shower.
When she stepped out of the bathroom, she was surprised to find the room completely tidied up. The bed had been made up with fresh sheets and there was a cup of tea on the table. As she walked toward it, Arnav stepped into the room from the pool side.
‘I hope you like the tea.’
Khushi looked at him in surprise. ‘Thank you.’ She picked up the cup of tea and sipped it. It was slightly strong, probably from being over boiled. ‘It’s ….good.’
‘You are just being kind to me aren’t you?’ He joked.
‘No, I like it.’
‘Khushi sit. I want to talk to you,’ he began gravely. ‘Whatever happened five years ago is something beyond my comprehension. But I am not going to delve into it further. I would like to put the past behind us and start over.
Khushi looked up at him her luminous almond eyes reflecting her confusion.
He continued. ‘There is this bond between us that is incomprehensible to me, impulses that are beyond my control. But we cannot take away the fact that it exists. If not anything we could live with that couldn’t we?
If not love ….whatever it was he felt for her -- was close enough.
She nodded her compliance and he captured her lips in a searing kiss, turning her insides into puddle even as a deep pain began in her heart. She wished she could tell him. If only she hadn’t loved him so much.


  1. Replies
    1. So happy to see khushi so happy! She and Arnav, finally they are behaving like a normal couples in love! So they decided to move on and try to forget the past but its not easy for Khushi! She love Arnav and cant tell him the truth about his mother and even Arnav love Khushi but he thinks that she had betrayed him! Hope he will come to know the truth soon!
      But why does Arnav go to us without Khushi and leaving here here with this stupid Mami? Hope he will tell her off!
      Oh I hate that Shyam! Good that he finally got know that khushi is happy with this marriage and with Arnav. But he wont back off soon, right? Did he do something to Anjali? so they can stay back in this house, so he can be close to Khushi and when Arnav is traveling this much, maybe Shyam thinks that he will have his chance with khushi!
      Nice update


  2. great update...again loved the flashback and the fact that these characters decided to react in a sane and loving manner towards each other

  3. Nice chapter.. I'm happy that they've decided to forget the past and move on.
    What's Shyam trying to do.. Slime ball!

  4. I just came across Ur Story and spend my whole Day Reading it. I love it. It is so well written dear. U have given attentention to Even the tinniest Details. I love the Progress ans Twist it is taking. And am eager to read more of this. Again really really Great work!!!! Xxx

  5. So they decided to start fresh.... Not exactly what I had hoped for but its something...Atleast they are giving their relationship a chance....
    Shyam... That man just makes my blood boil... I really do hope that Arnav finds out what Shyam is upto soon...
    Amazing update:)

  6. Please do not let any mu regarding Shyam like they did in least I think in your story arnav do not suspect her about Shyam ....otherwise your story is most sensitive ....I am loving it

  7. Starting afreash was prowling best thing happening in their relationship.....but with Shyam lurking around.....looks like worse is yet to come in khushis life......nd I definitely don't think Arnav will do as much as trusting n helping khushi....though that Arnav is really what I want to see.....

  8. dude,i just love this ff
    shyam is so creepy, another secret in Khushi's kitty that Arnav might get mad at her for? Why? Why? Why?
    It's funny how shyam thought that just because khushi said no to Arnav before wedding she doesn't like him, doesn't he know their past story.
    love Arnav and Khushi, i just don't like it how Arnav leaves for US business all the time
    can't wait to read more

  9. ah so Khushi and Arnav consummated their marriage
    God that Shyam is so disgusting
    Thankfully Arnav arrived for Holi

  10. I had read the first chapter long ago, and was delighted to come back and find so many chapters up. Wish you updated faster though.. Am totally absorbed in the story. Waiting for the next update.

    1. Can you please add a link for following the blog? That way I can follow without you having to actually send out PMs or otherwise...

  11. Really nice one I like the course this story has taken. Love the chemistry between arnav and khushi. Do continue soon. Would like to see shyam burn some more!

  12. Loved the story - beautifully written. Read it all in one go. It would be nice for Arnav to somehow find out the truth about why Khushi hid the truth from him 5 years ago. Even though he has now accepted her despite that, it would still bring some closure!

  13. read it all in one go.....i am hooked to this story and i'm getting impatient for d nxt update....

  14. Please update soon. Has been stalking everyday for the past one week!! I am hooked like mad to this story. Cannot get it out of my head!! All fault of your brilliant writing!!

  15. Hi Kavi....sorry for not commenting on the last update, ie, chapter 15.. Have been awaiting new update for quite sometime not realising that we are in may so I have to click on May, sorry I don't follow this on IF...So Arhi consummated their are awesome I was cursing Arnav, used Khushi and did his cowardly action of disappearing.....but by end I had to eat my words...what a googly...I was stumped, didn't expect Arhi to be on good terms......kya twist tha......taaliyaan.....
    Don't want to talk about creep Shyam.......anxiously awaiting for the next update...hope it's sooooon.....xxoxx

  16. I pleased to see khushi so happy. Thank God!!! Arnav didn't regretted for their conaummation and neither Khushi did. Glad finally Khushi and Arnav are behaving like a normal couples in love. So they decided to move on and try to forget the past but its not easy for Khushi. She loves Arnav and can't tell him the truth about his mother and even Arnav loves Khushi but he thinks that she had betrayed him. Hope he will come to know the truth soon.
    Mamiji so insensitive and mamji is supporting her.
    Loved Arnav and Khushi's first holi after their marriage.
    Does Arnav once Shyam's proposal came for Khushi?.... Ha ha ha ha... It's funny how shyam thought that just because khushi said no to Arnav before wedding, she doesn't like him, doesn't he know their past story.
    Oh I hate that Shyam. Good that he finally got know that khushi is happy with this marriage and with Arnav. But he wont back off soon, right? I think he did something to Anjali so that they can stay back in this house, so he can be close to Khushi and when Arnav is traveling this much, maybe Shyam thinks that he will have his chance with khushi. I hope Arnav or Anjali senses Shyam'sodd behaviour around Khushi before he did something in his lust.
