Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Valley of Flowers Prologue

ARNAV Singh Raizada sat looking out the window of the bus that would take him to Dehradun. As the narrow winding roads, lined with beautiful lush landscape of the mountainous region emerged mile after mile, he stared listlessly listening into his walkman.
He looked around the bus to see honeymoon couples cuddling up to each other, families with kids giving them a hard time, older people dozing in their seats. So that was what people called normal life. He didn’t feel like he belonged here. Or anywhere, for the matter of fact. It was good, in way. There was no point, really, in attaching oneself to a place, person or thing. Being detached was the best way to be.
His journey had begun from Mangalore, where he had completed two years of degree in engineering from Manipal University and was going to Dehradun to meet his Nani who wanted to spend some quality time with her grandchildren. Akash and Anjali had reached there a couple of days ago and Nani had absolutely insisted that he make it to this vacation, probably afraid, that his sister and he would drift apart the way his parents had.
He only hoped he wouldn’t get into any unpleasant conversations with his sister. Anjali, a psychology major in addition to being three years his senior, had seen some good times in their parents’ marriage and had the tendency to justify some of their father’s actions for which he had absolutely no patience for. He hated his father. He could never think well of the man who had given his mother so much pain.
But he would change all that. Next month, he was off to the United States to complete the rest of his course. Once he had a good job in his hands he would take care of his mother the way she deserved.

The car stopped in front of his Nani’s two-storied, majestic, white bungalow. In the front of the building was a lush garden with a huge sprawling lawn, bright colored petunias, daisies and gerberas adorning parts of it. But he was oblivious of it. His attention was arrested by a figure in white twirling about in the balcony.
He had only thought that in his mind but suddenly, she stopped and turned around as though she had heard him.

Arnav’s heart raced like a bullet train as he struggled to get out of his comforter that had enveloped him like vices, his mind in grip of his usual nightmare.
You have never treated me the way I deserve
Your expectations are too high….
And yours are too low
A woman like you can never be satisfied with anything
It’s useless talking to a man who can never let go of his past
Stop it!
Then in the middle of this conundrum he heard the soft tinkling of anklets and his heart began to calm down. He heard a knock on the door.
He sat upon his bed to find the girl from the balcony – Khushi -- standing at the door with a cup of hot steaming liquid in her hand.
‘I brought some tea for you.’ A strand of hair fell across one of her huge doe like eyes. Her cheeks and lips were naturally rosy standing out in stark contrast to her pearly skin.
‘Sure.’ His brown eyes were dazed with sleep. He paused.’ Thanks.’
‘This will help you get rid of your headache.’ She said as she walked up to him and handed over his tea, tucking her hair behind her ear.
What the f@#$! How did she know that he had a headache? ‘How do you know I have a headache?’
‘I ___’ She just stared at him with her wide eyes unable to continue. ‘Anjaliji said that you should be ready by nine o clock.’
She was about to turn back when he stopped her. ‘What’s the time now?’
‘It’s eight thirty.’
F@#$!’ It was too late to bite back the expletive but she seemed unfazed. ‘What’s the big hurry for?’
‘She wants to go to the Valley of Flowers.’
Arnav got up from the bed and took off his shirt – a normal thing for him to do in his hostel – and picked up his cup again. He raised his eyebrows indicating her to continue but she seemed to be staring at him like a statue. He raised his voice. ‘And?’
‘To… get to the Valley of Flowers you ….you have to take a ten hour drive to a place called Joshimath and …. and then another hour to Govind Ghat.’ Why had she developed such a stutter?‘Then from there it is a thirteen km walk to a place called Ghangaria. The valley is another three kms from there.’ She finished in a rush.
‘What the ___?’ This time he stopped himself in time but he need not have worried as she was no longer standing at the door.
He had been wrong about Khushi. She was not beautiful.
She was exquisite.
He stopped himself. She was just a child of thirteen.
Last night Nani had told him that Khushi was their accountant Shashi Gupta’s adopted daughter. She and her sister Payal studied in the school that Raizadas ran. During her visit to Delhi earlier this year, Nani had discovered that Khushi was a gifted dancer, and had decided to pay for her advanced Kathak classes.
Nani herself had been an accomplished Kathak dancer in her hey days and it was no wonder that she had appointed herself as the young girl’s mentor. Arnav was also not surprised by the fact that she had asked Anjali to bring the girls along for a holiday. His nani was quiet a generous woman. Or, Arnav decided as an afterthought, it was the fact that Khushi was actually from Lucknow, like herself. Nevertheless, she was a sweet old lady who made his life better by telling him mythological stories of prince and princesses, caught in the midst of love, hatred, war, stories of valour and destruction, answering all his questions with the cliché --- It’s all written in the stars chotte…..
He had believed in it until his parents had split apart. Written in the stars indeed! There was no such thing.

Naniji had obviously refrained from accompanying them and the group embarked on this strenuous trip seated in a SUV. The drive began with Anjali sitting in the passenger seat next to the driver as she had the tendency to be motion sick. Khushi and Payal took the middle seats and Akash and he sat at the back. After the first couple of hours of drive Khushi and Akash exchanged seats as the latter had started to feel motion sick at the back.
As Khushi began to chatter incessantly about nothing in particular, he had dozed off, the strain of the sleepless night catching up on him finally. After stopping for lunch, when she began to ask him something, he offered her his walkman and he dozed off once again not wanting to get into a conversation with a girl he had nothing in common with.
When he woke up a few hours later, he found his cheeks brushing against something smooth and realized that it was Khushi’s forehead. Her head was nestled comfortably in the crook of his neck, while her hand clutched at the sleeve of his jacket. He straightened his head, but stayed still trying not to wake her. When they finally reached their hotel at Joshimath he was relieved. This girl made him edgy for some reason.
The next morning, Arnav dressed in denims, t-shirt and sneakers knocked on Anjali’s door. She told him that she would not be able to make it to the trek as she had developed a migraine due to the altitude. Same was the case with Payal. Akash decided to stay back to keep an eye out for them.
Arnav considered cancelling the trek and going back but he changed his mind as he was curious about the place. He tried convincing Khushi to stay back as well but she wouldn’t budge. When he saw that her huge doe eyes were close to tears he relented.
After getting dropped at Govind Ghat, they began their long trek through the narrow winding trails flanked by wooded area. Arnav had been surprised at Khushi’s resilience. He had a thick  jacket to protect himself from the cold but all she had was a sweater which she wore on the white salwar suit she wore. He knew she was tired but she kept going until Arnav forced her to take a break so they could munch on some food they had carried in their backpacks. While they sat under a tree, rejuvenating, Arnav made an observation. ‘Khushi, you seemed to be awfully quiet on the trek.’
‘Well,’ she began looking at him seriously. ‘That is what you wanted, isn’t it?’
Arnav was taken aback by her reply. ‘When did I ever say that?’
‘Yesterday when you gave me the walkman to listen to the songs.’ She had her head bent fidgeting with one corner of her dupatta. ‘One of the songs told me what you wanted to tell me all through the journey.’
Arnav’s eye brows twisted in confusion. ‘Khushi …..what the f@#$ ----’ Then realization dawned. She was talking about Ronan Keating song whose lyrics went something like ---
You say it best…… when you say nothin’ at all
Khushi looked up her eyes twinkling, her pearly white teeth biting her lower lip mischievously. Arnav burst out laughing and in seconds she had joined him. Suddenly, they found themselves face to face with a couple of local girls who stood staring at them, their cute little mouths open. Then they scurried up to Khushi and whispered something in her ear and Khushi jumped up in fright.
Arnav looked up in surprise. ‘What’s wrong Khushi?’
‘Arnavji, you have get up immediately!’ Khushi’s eyes were wide as saucers.
‘What the hell for?’Arnav demanded.
‘Just do it.’
Arnav raised one of his eyebrows at her tone. ‘Not until you tell me why.’ Only his mother could speak to him like that.
‘The girls here just told me that this is a matchmaking tree.’
Like that was supposed to explain everything. ‘What the…. I mean what are you talking about?’
‘If a couple sits under this tree they will be married one day.’
Arnav’s face contorted with disbelief. ‘What crap!’
‘Hey Devi Maiyya!’ Khushi said emphatically, hitting her palm against her forehead. ‘Don’t say such things. These things are true you know  --- now get up!’ Looking at his glint in his eyes she amended herself. ‘Please?’
Damn! Had she just batted her eyelashes at him? He relented. ‘Well if it is true ---,’ Arnav got up and walked up to her, his caramel eyes twinkling mischievously, ‘it’s too late, isn’t it?’ He flicked her nose. ‘Pagal.’ He walked away shaking his head.
Who was he calling mad? Laad Governor! Khushi thought to herself as she stomped behind him mutinously.

Later that day they finally reached Gangaria base camp. After refreshing themselves and leaving behind their backpacks they set out for the three km trek that would finally take them to the Valley of Flowers.
When they reached the valley, they both stood speechless at the breath taking view that beheld them. The lush green mountains stood majestic and serene, swathed in soft white mist at the backdrop of the valley. Awash with an array of colourful flowers, splattered against green fauna, the valley stretched beyond what their eyes could perceive. It was really a sight for sore eyes.
Heaven on earth.
Suddenly, Khushi ran toward the flowers her arms thrown wide. When she reached some distance she turned around and stood, with her face lifted up to the sky, her eyes closed, a serene smile on her lips -- as if in prayer. Suddenly, a big drop of water splattered on her cheek making her squeal in surprise. And then it began to drizzle in earnest. Some of her hair, loosened on their long journey was stuck to her face. As he continued to look at her, he found her smiling at him, her beautiful eyes beckoning him to join her.
He forgot all about his parents, his loneliness --- the burning anger in his heart. He walked toward her as if in a trance.
This beauty would be etched in his memory for ever.


  1. hi so happy that you have started a new story! The prologue was beautiful!

  2. Thank u so much for the PM ... So happy that u've begun writing again...And now u've this blog...That's so exciting..
    And what a prologue...u love nature a lot don't u? After the Himalayan magic & Desert Rose, comes the Valleys at Dehradun...& I must say the descripiton of the entire surroundings was just so 'beautiful' that I wished I was there with Arnav & Khushi to witness it...aww that moment when Arnav went saying beautiful, had me utter the same...
    So, here in this story his Mom is alive? And the match making has already begun I see between the thirteen year old Khushi & Arnav....let's see how it proceeds a few years later....of course I see a leap bcos our heroine is only 13 I'm all ready to witness how Arnav's "what crap" & disbelief(with regard to that tree & its match making power as believed by our Khushi) change

    Vrinda (IF username: vrinda16)

  3. Great to see u writing a new FF . I am still reading Desert Rose when time permits in my real life between Work & IF duties. and since I used to be a resident of DehraDun during my childhood..this story will be close to my heart - sylvaniaLUX (IF)

    1. I would like to let you know that the rest of the story does not transpire in Dehradun unfortunately. But we will go back :-)

  4. Kavi, awwww what a nice surprise!!! The whole time I was reading the prologue I kept thinking of how much I missed reading your FF...the prologue was like a movie and the way to write makes me travel to that zone...
    Looking forward to read more!!! Happy Newyear!!
    P.S you know me very well in IF, any guesses....

    1. I tried but I think I am failing miserably. You have got to put me out of misery!

    2. K, this is ur Dreamum Wakeuppam dost P...LOL...

    3. Waaaat? Priya? You have two names? Your surname is different as well. You have got to tell me your story.

    4. Sent you a PM in IF, anyways read the prologue one more time...K I love it already, so Arnav is 19 yrs and Khushi is 13 yrs is it?..
      Another question , are you going to update every week?.

  5. Hi kavitha! its nice to know your name. i have notice one thing in your storys is that you take us to different palces in every story. its very nice. looking forward to read more and thanks for the PM.

  6. K, when can we expect chapter 1 girl friend?...

  7. OH.MY.GOD. you are back..!! you just made my day.!
    congratulations for the blog....totally unexpected...i am very enthusiastic. i can't express... i feel less of words. god you are back.!
    can't wait to read.

  8. i don't know...something happen to me .....i felt forlorn by reading prologue ...i have read your ff desert ross,himalayan magic and dark night dawning ....i feel there is so much depth in your writing that every character become alive

  9. Hi Kavitha, just stumbled upon your blog by sheer luck, I read Desert Rose a month back...a sheer brilliant piece of work, you are an incredible writer...I had felt guilty for not commenting on it earlier...still have to read your other glad found you....the prologue is awesome ...leaves you yearning for more...let me catch up with rest....thanks for keeping your Blog open :)) Anu

  10. Hi Kavitha,
    you are a great writer. thanks for keeping your blog open. I love your writing.

  11. You are one of the best writers on IF. I love your stories. I have read them several times.
    thank you from theses wonderful stories.

  12. Such a beautiful beginning. Loved it. Love the way you write. You are truly gifted !! :)

  13. Hi I have. Read this story in IF but you had already written it, so could not comment there. I will do it here.
    Prologue is amazingly written.
    Loved how Arnav give her his Walkman to listen music and she too understand what he wants. But glad that she was not too upset with this and take it in a light way.
    Thansk for awesome start.


  14. Nice Blog post, Thanks for sharing good information !

    Get quotes from multiple operators for Valley of Flowers Trek. Compare easily and book your trek from any operator on Mojhi.

  15. Hi Kavitha, love how you take us different places in each of your stories! You have a wonderful way with words, that gets one hooked from the get go... Looking forward to finishing this one...

    Just4coll(on IF)

  16. Just beautiful loved the characters of ARNAV and KHUSHI but ANJALI and ARNAV not seem much closer. In which Era the setback is I mean early ninties because SONY stopped making Walkman in 2009 and also there is no Mobile phone in the prologue.
    A problem is there in INDIA FORUMS with links of chapter and thread.

  17. nice prologue Kvitha
    Thnaks for keeping this blog open

  18. So Arnav's parents married life in trouble
    He is going away to US from all this mess
    awww.... Khushi is thirteen years girl

  19. Its a privilege to read your story. Brilliant writing. Love how the two are bonding. Lovely start.

  20. I love your stories. This is such a good read. I found the story late but thank God I finally found it.
