Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Valley of Flowers Chapter 1

Valley of Flowers – Chapter 1

Ten years later…… Delhi

‘Beautiful Khushi,’ NK complimented Khushi on her semi-classical dance performanceearlier that evening, on the song Kahe Ched Ched Mohe. In reality, he had only come into the auditorium at the very end of the performance. Though it pleased him to have a talented fiancée --future fiancee he corrected himself -- classical form of dance was not his cup of tea. What did interest him was the girl herself. He sat next to her.
It was a beautiful night and they were sitting out on terrace of the Raizada mansion after dinner. ‘Beautiful!’ he repeated, looking into her eyes, this time his pleasure quiet evident. Khushi had a lovely mouth, cushiony and curving, a passionate mouth. He only wished she would be as passionate in her nature as well. He would just have to wait and find out, he thought with a well concealed irritation.
‘I suppose it was good --- technically,’ Khushi said and moved so that she could put some distance between them.
‘Don’t be silly, Khushi. You are always hard on yourself.’
‘It could have been better.’
‘Khushi you are good. Why do you doubt yourself?’
‘It’s this particular song,’ she sighed.
‘Couldn’t you just choose a different one?’ he asked her. Looking at her surprize he said, ‘I mean if it gives you so much stress.’
How could she answer? She could say, ‘I am compelled to perform, though it does nothing but unsettle me and make me unhappy.’ Or she could say, ‘Tonight, for some reason it has disturbed me unbearably.’ How could she say what was in her mind?
‘Well?’ NK demanded, a smile on his lips that never quiet reached his eyes. He was a handsome man,clean shaven, hair cut stylishly and she knew he spent a lot of money to make sure he looked that way. A day old stubble and hair too long enough to curl slightly at the nape, was definitely not his style, Khushi thought wistfully. ‘Of course, you arty types are notorious for your mood swings.’
‘Not really,’ Khushi breathed deeply, unmistakably melancholy. ‘It’s pretty late, I should go back downstairs.’
‘Not so soon. I want to spend some time with you. I wish our engagement wasn’t postponed,’ he sighed. She was everything he wanted, beautiful, gentle and refined. His thoughts went back to the time six months ago when he had flown down to Delhi from Australia to visit his cousin Akash.He distinctly remembered how he had been mesmerized when Akash had introduced his wife’s sister. Within three months he had expressed his desire to marry her and his mother had asked Khushi’s parents for her hand.
‘Nanheji, you know jeejaji is still recovering from the accident.’ Khushi admonished.
Akash Singh Raizada, her brother-in-law had met with an accident just days before the engagement,forcing the postponement of the ceremony. Akash had sustained a serious head injury, resulting in a clot in the brain. The doctors had decided to avoid an operation and had put him on anintravenous treatment that would melt the clot over a period of few weeks, after which, they predicted, he would recover completely.
‘Well, I didn’t mean it that way.’ NK wished he could take back his words. ‘I wish Akash bhai hadn’t met with that accident.’ He finished, feeling lame.
‘Nanheji, I really have to go relieve mamiji from her babysitting duty.’
Payal and Akash’s six month old son Palash, who everyone loving called Ashu, was a fiery little baby who seemed to calm down only in the presence of Khushi other than his own mother.
‘I don’t understand why we can’t hire a maid to baby sit Ashu,’ NK muttered irritated at his aunt Manorama for being such a fussy grandmother. She constantly complained about the baby, feigning a pain in her knee within moments of carrying him. God she was such a drama queen.
‘Why would we need a maid when his maasi is there to take care of him?’ Khushi countered. She had moved in to the house after the accident so she could help Payal during this crisis. She did most of the cooking and also took care of the baby as Payal, in spite of having a nurse to help out, was overwhelmed with taking care of Akash.It seemed to NK,that Khushi went out of her way to please everyone around her. Was it because she was an orphan, he wondered.
NK put his hand on Khushi’s shoulder. ‘Khushi, tell me about your childhood.’ His tone was sympathetic.
‘You know the story.’ Khushi stood up and walked toward the roof garden, seeking comfort from the frangipani growing out of the pot. She didn’t know why she avoided NK’s touch. She was going to marry him, wasn’t she? She never expected to experience the sublime passion she had once known. Nor the suffering. She had repudiated all that.
‘I know you came to live with your uncle and aunt when you were eight,’ NK prompted.
‘Where I was not really wanted.’
‘I can’t believe there would be anyone who didn’t want you Khushi.’NK said sympathetically.
‘Not everyone can be warm towards children who are not their own,’ Khushi said quietly. She was thinking of Buaji who never ceased to throw insults her at her at every occasion. Her aunt Garima wanted to love her, after all she was her sister’s child, but had held herself back, not wanting to rock the boat with her sister-in-law. Payal, who was three years her senior had been friendly enough but their relationship had lacked real closeness. Her uncle Shashi, however was affectionate toward her.But her best friend was her Devi Maiyya, who had never given up on her even in trying times.
 ‘But I have no complaints. Amma and Babuji took me in when my parents died in an accident and took care of me. It is only Buaji who always made me feel I was a tremendous drain on modest resources.’ Khushi blinked back her tears.
‘So who paid for your dance lessons?’ NK asked with faint surprise.
‘Babuji until I was thirteen. Then Naniji paid for my advanced classes.’

She was lying in garden enjoying the fragrance of the jasmine flowers when her Amma had called her inside.
‘Khushi come inside right now.’
She stopped herself before she could blurt out ‘Why?’ having faced the brunt of her Buaji’s tongue on many occasions. Had she found the cut out of Madhuri Dixit that she kept hidden in her books? Buaji would give her a lashing if she did.
‘You shameless girl,’ Buaji shouted at her. ‘Why did you have to complain to your teacher that we cannot afford to send you to dance classes?’
‘I didn’t complain Buaji,’ she reasoned. What happened?’ she asked looking at her silent aunt.
‘The elderly Mrs Raizada wants to pay for you advanced dance classes.’
‘What for?’She was confused.
‘Oh you are all surprise now,’ Buaji accused her. ‘When you have been complaining to your teacher that we begrudge the money we spend on your dance lessons.’
‘I never did Buaji.’ She shook her head.
‘You wouldn’t have done such a thing if you were of our blood.’ She was accustomed to this disparagement. ‘Girls in our families are not allowed to indulge in such things. Mrs Raizada wants you to come up to the Big House to see you dance. It is their practice to dispense favours, but the minute they see you they will change their minds.’
‘I don’t want to go.’ She had answered back.
‘You can’t do that!’ Buaji shouted her eyes wide with disbelief. ‘After all the Raizadas are royalty.’

‘Naniji?’His tone brought her out of her reverie.
‘Yes, babujiused to work as an accountant for the Raizadas,’ Khushi explained.‘I studied in a school run by the Raizada trust. When Naniji found out about me from one of the teachers, she called me over to the mansion so she could see how good I was. After that she offered to pay for my classes. Then at eighteen I was shunted off to Mumbai. I am good but not good enough. I don’t pretend.’
‘But, Khushi you are not only an accomplished dancer, you also made your mark in Television shows. I have heard about your popularity. You gave up all that and have joined AR to assist Akash bhai.’ He paused.Why?’
‘My family needed me Nanheji,’ Khushi said earnestly. ‘Babuji came down with a stroke a year ago and I had to come back here to help Amma. Since jiji was already married I knew they would hesitate receiving help from her. Luckily,my savings helped in taking care of the medical expenses.
‘Babuji’s health stabilized but he could no longer go back to work. I couldn’t leave them and go back to Mumbai either. We still needed money to run the house. Jeejaji offered me a job at AR and since the hours were flexible enough to take care of the home front, I took it.’
‘Moreover,’ she continued, ‘fame is fleeting Nanheji. I have never had the dedication for acting. It’s a very hard life, and lonely. My true passion is dance but I want so much more. I want happiness, a family. But I am little afraid.’
‘I have noticed.’ He said sourly.
‘Not of you Nanheji.’ She smiled but her the smile didn’t quiet reach her eyes. Had someone hurt in her past?
‘I have a feeling that Naniji doesn’t approve of me.’ He said out of the blue.
‘Whatever gave you that idea?’ Khushi said warily. ‘Naniji is such a sweet person.’
‘Easy for you to say. She loves you like her own granddaughter because she shares that love of dance with you. Dance is the only thing that moves her.’
Khushi knew Naniji could be unpredictable at times. But she tried to sound reassuring. ‘I am sure she likes you.’
‘She did,’ he paused, ‘until I proposed to you.After that she has started behaving coldly toward me. I wonder if it is because my hindi is so bad.’
‘Of course not Nanheji!.’ She laughed inher soft tinkling voice.
‘Khushi…...’ He walked up to her and took her hand in his. ‘You are so beautiful. I want us to get married soon. You are so magical – you don’t know.’
‘And you are much more than I deserve.’ She put her other hand on top of his.
NK gave a tight smile. ‘You are such an innocent Khushi.’
How do you know? She wanted to ask but never did. Why hurt NK with a past she had long buried?
‘By the way, Khushi,’ he told her then. ‘My boss Mr Malhotra, is celebrating his 60th birthday next weekend. He is expecting a large number of guests, one of them pretty important,is what I have heard. I am sure this is something to do with the new project.
‘He has specifically asked me to bring you along.’ He said. ‘Apparently, his wife was a big fan of your show.’ He added.
The show Aradhana was about the life of a dancer and Khushi had played the part of the character when she was a young girl. Khushi had loved being part of the show which showcased her talent as a dancer as well as an actor.
‘Sure.’ Khushi smiled, perfectly aware thatNK was due for a promotion and at such a time it was very important to please the boss’ wife to climb the ladder of success. NK didn’t really give her dance a good deal of attention. But, it suited her that he wasn’t aroused by her dance. That had happened to her before -- in a different lifetime.
‘Thank you Khushi, I knew I could count on you.’ He held her shoulders and looked at her. ‘There is one more thing. Do you think you can wear something western for the evening?’
‘Well,’ Khushi hesitated. She had worn western outfits during her stay in Mumbai as there was a need to blend in. Somehow, refusing to wear one now seemed hypocritical.  She acceded. ‘Alright.’

Khushi hurried downstairs to find a harried mamiji trying to get Ashu to sleep.
‘This boy is a terror!’ she exclaimed. ‘I don’t know why he won’t go to sleep.’
‘Did you try switching off the lights mamiji?’ Khushi said looking at the bright room.
‘If I do that I am sure I will be the one snoring in a few minutes.’ She lamented.
‘Here, I will take him so you can get some rest.’
‘What took you so long today?’ she asked suspiciously. ‘You should have been here like fifteen minutes ago.’
‘I was ---,’ Khushi hesitated, ‘Nanheji wanted to talk to me.’
‘Oh it is alright then.’ Mamiji was trying her best to be warm toward her from the time her sister had sent NK’s proposal.
In her room, Khushi found that little Ashu needed a diaper change. Payal must have finished giving him his nightly feed.‘Is that why you were giving mamiji a tough time you little goon?’ she asked the gurgling baby as she changed him into a fresh diaper. Khushi then proceeded to switch of all the lights except for one night lamp. She put Ashu on her lap and began to rock him gently, sifting her hand through his fine hair, singing a lullaby--- Chandahaitu……mera suraj haitu. Soon he was sleeping peacefully. Khushi picked him and took him to Payal just as she getting ready for bed.
‘What took you so long Khushi?’ Payal’s voice was tired. ‘I was feeling so sleepy today.’
‘I am sorry jiji,’ Khushi apologized as she gently laid Ashu on the bed. ‘Hope jeejaji is doing alright?’ Since the medication was being administered intravenously, Akash was convalescing in a separate room so that he did not get disturbed by the baby. A nurse had been appointed for his care.
‘Yes, after today’s scan, the doctor said that there is improvement.’ Her voice was feeble with sleep.
‘That’s good,’ Khushi said touching her sister’s cheek. ‘He will be alright soon jiji. I will let you sleep now.
‘Good night.’ She switched the lights off and stepped out of the room.
Next, she knocked on Naniji’s door. ‘Naniji, are you still awake?’ she said in a low voice.
‘Come in Khushi bitiya.’
‘I am sorry Naniji,’ Khushi said as she hurried into the room. ‘I got delayed talking to Nanheji and ----‘
‘You don’t have to apologize for anything bitiya. There was no need for you come here.’
‘If I don’t come here, who is going to apply this ayurvedic oil for you ankle pain?’
‘You take such good care of me Khushi.’ Naniji smiled affectionately at Khushi. ‘I wish my bahu was more like you.’ After a few minutes, she said, ‘That’s enough Khushi. Now go and get some rest. Tomorrow is Kanya pooja and I am sure you are going to be in charge of all preparations.’
After making sure Nanjiji had taken all her medications Khushi bade her goodnight.

Now as Khushi was getting ready for bed, back in her room, she stood by her window staring up steadily at the star spangled sky.It was useless to entreat to them when once she might have. NK had brought back too many memories she had buried in the deep recesses of her heart.
‘Arnav.’She whispered, a tear trickling down her cheek.The terrible thing about the heart, there was no end to its yearning. She wanted to forget everything but not quiet forgetting. Her thoughts went back to the day ten years ago when she first saw him.

Arnav Singh Raizada.
She had been right in the middle of her riyaaz with Naniji when she had felt like someone had called her name. When she turned around, there he was--- dressed in black denims that hung low on his hips, dark grey hooded jacket with a dark blue t-shirt inside and grey-yellow sneakers. He had a day old stubble on his cheeks, and his hair was a little long, and fell all over his forehead.And he was staring up at her with those mesmerizing eyes.
Eyes the colour of molten chocolate.
Eyes that held a lot of pain in them, when she had taken him tea the following morning.
She had wanted to take him in her arms, to make him feel better, just like her Amma would have done, but hadn’t dared. She had tried talking to him during the journey,but he had totally ignored her and his silencehad made her nervous. That was why she had started blabbering so much during the journey.
And she had left no stone unturned to make herself look like a fool. First she had almost cried when he had refused to take her with him and then she had made that silly comment about the song. And then the worst one of them all -- the match making tree. Match making tree? She had been so naïve back then.
But then her comment about the song had made him laugh and his stern face had totally transformed, making him look like a little innocent boy.
At the Valley of Flowers, the beauty of the valley had made her want to close her eyes and run like a small child. It was as beautiful as she had imagined it. It had reminded her of the time she had spent with her own Amma and Babuji. She forgot about Buaji and her cruel taunts for those few wondrous moments.
Then it had begun to rain and she had found his caramel eyes looking at her. Her heart had begun to beat a strange rhythm of dhak-dhak and she had suddenly been so overwhelmed with joy that her lips had broken into a smile of their own volition.
Little did she know at the time, for such things rarely occur to a girl of thirteen – she had fallen in love – irrevocably and forever.


  1. Beautiful updt! i was waiting for this. Nk seems nice, but khushis hart want something else or say someone else. i hope Arnav come back soon and take way all her pain. will wait for next updt!


  2. k, seriously I have goosebumps!!! You are such a good narrator...NK future fiancé and Khushi irrevocably in love with Arnav , Dil maange more!!!!
    Great update K!!!

  3. Hi Charlotte...Congratulations on a new FF. I have high expectations from your FF. I adore your writing. Desert Rose was just beautiful but I LOVED LOVED LOVED ur Himalyan series n dawning a dark night: I don't know how many times, I have read it n still wants to read it again..
    I wanted to subscribe to ur blog but the option is just not working. I am in your pm list. Kindly let me know how I can do this.
    Congratulations once again


  4. omg, this ff is beautiful
    can't wait to read more
    thanx for the pM:)

  5. i love the fact that u always take up the intense topics and not the mushy stuff am loving this already i also loved dr it was the perfect story and this seems to be gettig even better keep goin pro

  6. wow i like how you write your stories.. please do pm me :)

    - barunxoxo(IF)

  7. i don't know why i have tears in my eyes when i was reading this update

  8. Just awesome! Naniji is suddenly cold towards NK...hmmm she too wants what we want...Kavitha you are amazing! Eagerly awaiting Arnav's entry...

  9. Captivated.
    You are an awesome writer and I have started to love this story.
    The backdrop of the Valley of Flower is such an apt setting for this story. Arnav and Khushi would have to travel far to reach each other in their own valley.
    Naniji does not like NK, I don't like him here, either. Khushi is not exactly an eager fiancee to be either. I wonder what had happened between Arnav and her in the past.

  10. This is the place must visit ...easy and simple...I did it with Renok Adventues

  11. Lovely chapter. Totally loved it. :) NK seems to be desperate for Khushi to give him attention while Khushi seems to be wary. Wonder what happened that Khushi is engaged to NK, when Khushi clearly has feelings for Arnav. So looking forward to the next update.

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  13. You are breaking my mind what with all NK proposing KHUSHI and she accepting it and also the way he have thoughts about her not respecting enough of her choice or her passion all he wants to have her for himself to show the world but I dislike him for same she is not some achievement or prize to win without feelings. And what things are she trying to forget also where is ARNAV kick NK out soon please he is giving me bad vibes.
    Such mind breaking update.

  14. Beautiful story. Really lovely writing.

  15. NK future fiancé and Khushi irrevocably in love with Arnav. Looks like NK is nice but he is not much interested in classical which is Khushi's choice, Passion and life.
    So Khushi is all.alone even when she was surrounded by family. Payal accepted Khushi in her house but they don't have affectionate siblings relation, Garima is controlled in showing her love because of her SIL and only Sashi showed his complete affection. Atleast Nani looked upfor her as grand daughter. I wonder any one from her family compelled her to work on TV ?
    Loved to read Valley of flowers journey and thirteen old Khushi falling love with Arnav from Khushi's pov
