Friday, June 7, 2013

Valley of Flowers Chapter 21

ARNAV turned around to see Khushi standing with her hand folded, shooting daggers with her eyes. He walked up to her and took her hand. ‘Come on, let’s go.’
‘No!’ She shrugged off his hand.
‘Don’t create a scene here,’ he grated,‘People are staring at us.’
Khushi’s eyes widened. ‘I am creating a scene?’ she shot back. ‘What about what you did?’ She reminded him of the kiss.
‘Come,’ He put forth his hand peremptorily. ‘Let’s talk about this in the room.’
‘I don’t want to go with you,’ she said adamantly. ‘I will order another taxi.’
‘Khushi,’ Arnav’s voice dropped down an octave. ‘Don’t push me.’
‘Or else?’ She challenged him.
He picked her up in one swift motion, walked into the lobby, past the wide-eyed people and into the open elevator. He put her down and punched the button to their floor. Khushi refused to talk to him, her entire body seething with anger.
When the elevator stopped, Arnav took her hand and dragged her to the room, using his free hand to insert his card and open the door.
‘What was all that drama back there?’ He said as they stood just inside the door.
‘Look who’s talking!’ Khushi exclaimed.
‘Come again?’
‘The way you smoothly put Lavanya in that taxi and sent her to Delhi.’
‘So?’ He looked clueless, squinting his eyes in confusion. ‘How else am I supposed to send her to Delhi?’
‘You were planning to send her to Delhi,’ she stated sardonically.‘And what were you planning to do in this room?’
‘I was planning to do --- with you.’ He shrugged his shoulders.
‘With me? ’Khushi’s anger rose up a notch. ‘Are you trying to tell me you knew I would come here?’
‘I wasn’t sure --’ He paused, ‘— I had a hunch –since I told you I was going with Lavanya.’ He added sheepishly.
‘What?’ Khushi raised her eyebrows in astonishment.
‘I know you are a little jealous of her.’
Little? Khushi’s heart filled with anguish.‘How can you be so casual about it Arnav?’
‘Come on Khushi,’ Arnav said affably, ‘Most of my business associates tell me their wives are jealous of their female colleagues.
‘We work in the business of sales and marketing Khushi. Many of the associates are women – and some of them are quiet attractive. We have to interact with them.’
‘Can you define “interact”?’ She demanded.
‘We work, talk, share a cup of coffee ---’
‘Share a bed.’ She said tersely.
Arnav went completely still, his brown eyes simmering. ‘Look Khushi, I agree that I was no saint.
But they were all “no-strings-attached” relationships and none of them meant anything. It is all in the past now.’
It was probably “no-strings-attached” only from Arnav’s side. Was it possible to be with him and not fall in love with him, she wondered.
‘Are you telling me that you have never been with Lavanyaji after we got married?’ She waited with bated breath.
‘His eyebrows snapped together as he came up to her and grasped her arms. ‘I have not been with anybody since I saw you again six months ago!’
‘And why do you keep harping about Lavanya? I was just joking when I said you were jealous of her. But you seriously think I have been having an affair with her? Didn’t I tell you downstairs that she is married to a business associate of mine? Do you think I will stoop down so low?
‘Whatever gave you that idea Khushi?’
‘Lavanyaji.’ Khushi shrugged off his hands and looked him square in the eyes.
‘Since you came back, she has been accusing me of stealing you away from her.’
‘Why didn’t you tell me this before?’ He grated angrily.
‘I saw no point at the time.’
He nodded his head. ‘I see.’
‘After all she was the girl your mother chose for you to marry.’
‘But I didn’t.’ He said quietly, his eyes simmering with a barely controlled temper.
Khushi went on. ‘Lavanyaji said you got -- close when you spent time together after your mothers’ passing away.’
‘And you believed her.’ It was more a statement than a question.
 ‘These things are known to happen.’ She said defensively.
‘We did get close --’Khushi’s heart plummeted. .Arnav advanced on her backing her into a wall. ‘Emotionally -- not physically. I realized that Lavanya was going through a rough patch in her marriage. I was trying to be supportive -- as a friend.’
‘But ….but at Nanheji’s engagement she implied you both were still ---.’ She stuttered.
‘Khushi I did am not having an affair with Lavanya!’ He roared. ‘Not when my mother died and not any time before that either. Not ever!
‘I have never thought about Lavanya that way. In fact I feel brotherly toward her. She is little bit of an air head.’
Brotherly? Khushi’s heart fluttered with joy.
Before he could utter another word Khushi snaked her arms around his neck and hugged him tight.
 ‘Does this mean you believe me?’ He seemed surprised.
‘Just like that?’
‘Between you and Lavanyaji, I choose to believe you.’
‘Why is she doing this?’ He hit his hand on the wall in anger.
Because she was in love with you.’ She said simply. ‘I feel sorry for her.’
‘Oh please!’ Arnav mocked.‘You were freakishly jealous of her a little while ago.’
‘Not at all.’ Khushi defended herself, stepping back from him.
‘So you came to Agra to see Mr Sheik?’ He said he tone laced with sarcasm.
‘Of course!’Khushi said.
Arnav burst out laughing and Khushi turned around and walked up to the door and yanked it open. Arnav was quick when he caught the door and shut it back with a bang. ‘No you don’t!’ He pushed her back against the door and took her lips in a fierce kiss. Though she pushed at him initially, the pressure of his tongue sent an electric jolt, fraying her senses into submission.
After what seemed like an eternity Arnav lifted his head. ‘Admit it Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada.’ He smirked. ‘You were jealous.’
‘So what?’ She hit back. ‘You were jealous of NK even though you claimed I never loved him.’
‘I knew you never loved him,’ he said.‘I was jealous that he wanted you.’
‘You make it sound like I was an object he wanted. He wanted to marry me because I would make him an ideal wife. That is all there is to it.’
‘Bull shit! He wanted to have you because you are beautiful.’
‘No I am not.’
‘What the --!’ Arnav couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Khushi didn’t think she was beautiful?
‘I think Lavanayaji is beautiful, sophisticated ---’
‘That sophistication comes at a price Khushi.You know she spends a lot of time in the beauty salon to look the way she does.’
‘When I was a young girl, Buaji always told me that I was too pale and too thin. She said I didn’t have the pretty features that Payal had.’
‘F@#$!’ Arnav was livid that Buaji would be this mean to a child. ‘Who cares what she thinks? Khushi you have worked in a Television show for God’s sake!’
‘They hired me because of my dancing skills not because of my looks.’ She said doggedly.
‘Khushi, you are not too thin.’He tried to make her feel better.
‘I know that,’ she said in dismay, ‘because Buaji said I was too thin, I tried to put on weight and as a result of that I ended up gaining weight on the lower part of my body.’ She stepped back and pointed to herself. ‘See? Don’t you think my hips are too wide?’
With a look of complete disbelief on his face Arnav took her hand and led her to the dresser, making her stand in front of the mirror. He walked up to the curtains and drew them. The reflection of Taj Mahal shimmered in the pale moonlight.
Khushi gasped. ‘Oh my God Arnav! It is the Taj Mahal,’ She remembered the hotel manager who had proudly informed her that all rooms had a view of the ethereal monument. ‘It looks beautiful.’
‘Not more beautiful that you are Khushi. See what I see.’
Khushi looked at herself standing there in her jeans and kurti. ‘This kurti always makes me look good.’
‘Is that so?’ He whispered looking at her in the mirror. ‘Let’s take it off then.’
Khushi’s heart began its erratic dhak-dhak as Arnav took her long black braid in his hand and unravelled it slowly. He took the thick tresses in his hand and moved it to her front, laying it on her breast. He moved his hand to her back and began unbuttoning her kurti, one button at a time, making her shiver each time his finger touched her skin.
Arnav peeled the garment off her shoulder, brushing her skin as he brought the material down her arms. Khushi gasped looking at her own body –her delicately rounded shoulders, the swell of her left breast above the cup of her bra, while the other remained hidden under her hair,the curve of her long waist and her navel quivering just above the waistband of her low rise jeans.
Arnav moved his right hand to her midriff and moved it downward to dip into the waistband of her jeans unbuttoning the single button, before sliding the zip downward. Khushi realized that she had never ever looked at herself like this in the mirror. She looked --
‘Sexy.’ He whispered her thought aloud. She felt herbody heating up.
Khushi’s breath hitched in her throat as Arnav’s fingers traced her delicate collar bone moving them under the strap of her bra, sliding them slowly off her shoulder. As Khushi watched the scrap fall, she realized he had already unhooked the clasp on her bra.
He wrapped his hands around her tiny waist. ‘I love how I am able to wrap your entire waist with my hands Khushi,’ he whispered into her ear. ‘I love how the difference in our skin tone looks, don’t you?
Khushi was riveted by the sight of his tanned hand on her fair skin, spanning her waist.
Then he moved his hands to rest on her hips. ‘I also love that this lower part of your body is wide, compared to –‘ His hands moved up to cup her breasts.‘Makes you look irresistible in a saree.’
Khushi held both his hands and tried to remove them. ‘Arnav, please.’
‘Shh we are not done yet.’ He hooked his finger inside the waistband of her jeans and peeled the material along with her panties down her long, smooth legs.
She closed her eyes.
‘Khushi, open your eyes.’  He urged huskily.
The slow revealing of the creamy expanse of skin was beginning to cause an explosion in his gut. It was like unveiling a masterpiece. Khushi looked like one of the statues of the goddesses in the temples.
Exquisite. Beautiful. For him alone.
Khushi opened her eyes and looked at Arnav’s caramel brown ones simmering with desire. She understood.
She turned toward him and burrowed into his chest, her entire body shivering, hot, her heart clamouring wildly in her breast.
His head descended to claim her lips in a bruising kiss even as he put his hands on her waist and lifted her up on the dresser moving between her legs.Her fingers slipped into the crisp hair at the back of his head as she deepened the kiss. He discarded his clothes quickly and entered her in one swift motion and heard her gasp and shudder as he urged her to wrap her legs around him. He slid in and out of her, finding himself building to a climax. He moved faster, kissing her mouth, kissing her neck until he felt the entire world explode around him as he dropped off the edge of the precipice.
As he came back to rational consciousness, he realized what he had done. ‘Khushi I am sorry, I didn’t meant to --’
She touched her lips to his in a gentle kiss. He picked her up in his arms and laid her gently on the bed.‘You have had a long day Khushi. I will draw you a bath.’

A littler later, Khushi stepped out of the bathroom, clad in a white, terry bath robe. She realized that Arnav had stepped out of the room. For the first time since her entry, she observed how beautiful the room was.
A grand arm chair and ottoman in taupe sat in one corner of the room, flanked by a tall and elegant floor lamp. Right next to it was a curtained wall in cream, which probably lead to some sort of balcony.  On the other end of the curtain there was a work desk. But what dominated the room was a huge king sized bed occupying the centre.  It was decorated with several throw pillows in different shades of blue, maroon and taupe. Two tall lamp shades stood majestically on either side of the bed. Then she saw the dresser and heat suffused her body.
The door opened and Arnav walked in. ‘Good, you are done.’ There was a box in one hand and a bag in the other and he walked up to the work table. ‘Come here.’
Khushi walked up to the table and saw that he had brought her a cake which had the words “sorry”. She looked up at him in astonishment.
‘I have been meaning to do this since the day we argued but each night I came home, you had already slept.This is for smothering you with my highhandedness.’
His caramel eyes bore into hers.‘Khushi, you can have all the space you want – and more. I will not interfere in the future. In case I forget -- you have every right to slap me.’
Khushi wished the earth would just open up and swallow her as she watched Arnav cut a piece of cake. ‘Arnav I --’ He stuffed it into her mouth shutting her up.
‘Don’t you want a piece?’ She stopped ‘  --- Oh! this is probably not sugar free.’
He pulled her close. ‘A little taste is not going to kill me.’ He bent his head and touched his tongue to the side of her lip and licked off a dab of cream. Just as her heart had begun to flutter, he let go off her disappointing her immensely.
He picked up the bag. ‘Here is something for you.’
Khushi looked up in surprise. ‘What is this?’
‘You can look for yourself when I quickly grab a shower.’ He walked toward the bathroom.

A little later Arnav stepped out of the bathroom, wearing only his pajama bottoms. His heart skipped a beat when he didn’t find Khushi in the room. But then he saw the gap in the curtain. He went up to the door and found Khushi staring out at the Taj Mahal clad in the night gown he had bought for her at the hotel boutique. She had the matching robe on. Her long and lustrous hair hung down her back.
He switched off the lights in the room and drew the curtains so the moonlight filtered in brightening the room with its luminance. When he opened the door, he was hit by a blast of hot air reminding him it was summer.
‘Khushi,’ He paused. ‘I know you don’t wear these kind of --’
He couldn’t finish the sentence when he saw Khushi turn around, undo the belt at her waist and slide off the robe and drop it on the floor. The wine coloured satin gown clung to her curves sensuously. The deep V neckline, trimmed with soft french lace in a flower design, showed off the creamy swells of her breasts to perfection. The thigh-lengthgown revealed the long expanse of her shapely legs. Even though he had seen her with nothing a short while ago, he found himself hardening. He walked up to her.
Khushi placed both her hands on his abs, tracing the cut of the muscles slowly inching upward to brush against the hard contours of his chest and shoulders. Arnav felt a fire start in his body at the first touch of her delicate fingers, but he had made up his mind to exercise control unlike before. She went on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. The fire turned into an inferno when he felt her soft satin clad breasts crushed against his chest as she deepened the kiss. He moved his hand down to her pert bottom and lower still and lifted her up, urging her to wrap her legs around his waist. He walked toward the bedroom, one thought reverberating in his mind. Slow. Slow.

He entered the bedroom and shut the door behind him. Placing a knee on the bed he laid her gently on the bed.Her fingers slipped into the crisp hair at the back of his head as she pulled him toward herself. He ran his fingers into her hair, sucking on her lower lip, teasing her with his teeth. He put his free hand on the small of her back and she arched, letting him know that despite wanting to pull away a sight bit she wanted more. He kissed her jaw line, moving to her neck, kissing her as softly as the brush of a butterfly’s wing against her skin. Then he bit her neck hard, not hurting her, but in the way she liked. She clutched at him, and he hardened as it always aroused him to give her pleasure.
He touched his tongue on the sore spot and she ran her hands along the hard muscles of his back, turning her head to the side so he could have easy access. He alternately bit and laved the hollow of her neck, whispering sweet nothing into her ear -- I need you. You are so unbearably beautiful – except the words she wanted to hear.
He lowered his mouth to her breast and kissed the soft swell of her breasts, softly at first, tongue moving along the lace on the neckline. He slid off the strap from the shoulder, pulling down the soft material to her waist. He once again bent his head to her breast and flicked his tongue around the hardened bud with slow precision. He kissed the underside of her breast as his hand moved to the other breast, kneading it gently. He took her nipple into his mouth, tugging on it as he suckled it with the right amount of pressure. A tumult of sensations began spreading through her veins even as a liquid heat began pooling at the pit of her stomach.
Soon, she pulled him up by his hair and kissed him hard, her hand moving down to trace the hard contours of his muscled chest and abs. Her hand then inched down to the waist band of his pant, but he held her hand and pulled it slowly to his face and kissed her wrist sucking at the delicate skin there making her gasp.
He kissed her ribs, his hand moving up and down the inside of her thighs, slowly, stopping just before reaching her centre. She had parted her legs slightly, and he moved downward with his mouth, his hand moving upward and closer each time.
He slid the gown down her hips and off her legs and threw it on the floor. He looked at her lying there on the bed, her golden skin glowing in contrast to the black lace panties. Exquisite.
As his tongue dipped into her navel his hands began to tease her at the edge of her panty line. He moved his hand on top of them and felt her push against his hand. He stroked her right through the material, moving in time with the rhythm of her hips. She moaned in pleasure as he slipped his fingers into the waistband and brushed against her curls, feeling the heavy moistness.
He slipped off her panties moving down her legs with them. He tossed him onto the floor, next to her slip.
He kissed her ankles and began moving up slowly, kissing every inch. When he got to her upper thigh, he slowly spread her legs a bit further apart. He reached out with his tongue, a feather touch.
Her body clenched, jumped. ‘Arnav!’
He held her firmly in place. ‘Relax Khushi.’
He took his time, his tongue stroking, memorizing every secret place. When she clutched his hair in a tight grip, in a silent plea, he pushed two fingers into her tight sheath, in a long stroke that had her crying out.
She was so beautiful wanting him. He loved the cloudy, sultry look on her face, the heat of her body as her muscles clenched tightly around his fingers. He loved the way she trusted him so completely and the excitement, the sheer pleasure washed over him in such intense waves.
He swirled her nub insistently, and then moved downward, stroking continuously until she finally capitulated to her body’s yearning. She clutched at his shoulders and he felt the beginning of a hard release coming. Her climax was wild and he felt it, the rippling explosion, the hot liquid, the intensity of pleasure exploding in her body, in her mind.
Seeing her lose control he couldn’t wait anymore.He tore off his pant and briefs and sank into her in one swift motion and the ecstasy of it blew him away.
For Khushi, too, the contact was electric. She arched to meet him, to get as close as possible.
Together they found the perfect rhythm. His parted mouth wandered all over her body, tasting, devouring, until she was clutching him, digging her fingernails into the strong muscles of his shoulders.
His was breathing harshly, in ragged gasps.
Earlier whenever they made love she tried to hold a part of herself back from the tidal wave that engulfed her. Now she resisted nothing, wanted everything. She was totally uninhibited in her response. He arms and legs enclosed him, and she lifted herself to meet him with a need that matched his.
The fire built again, increasing in intensity until it roared out of control and exploded consuming her completely causing her thighs to clench and her fingers to clutch at his hair.
She cried out her pleasure, and Arnav soon followed crying out her name. They clung to each other limp and trembling helplessly as they floated back to earth.
He lost the strength to hold himself up any longer, and he kissed her slowly as he rolled over to her side. She laid her head down on his chest and he put his arms around her, sifting his fingers through her hair, which was damp from their lovemaking, until her deep, even breathing told him that she was asleep. As his eyes drooped close, the pristine Taj Mahal stood silently in the distance, a mute witness to the celebration of love.


  1. kavi this is delightful... it is heart wrnching good.. i had felt bad when u stopped at slow slow.. but lo behold u have a surprise here.. its an exquisite honeymoon speial do continue further,, let arnav pamper her in amarvilas..take her to a couple spa..and more..

  2. beautifully written their true feelings of love is so much visible, khushi's love is so pure and unconditional and she knows how to exercise her wifey rights at the right time by talking about La. (laksh65)

  3. loved the chapter awesome so cute one misunderstanding cleared la is such a b***h in her face he thinks of her like a sister glad khushi told him about la and khushi aunt how could he do that to a child make her feel so unloved and lied and told her she was not beautifully my god loved how arnav showed her how beautifully she was loved the update amazing so cute loved how they both coming together emotionally just wished she told him about snake and his mother loved the update loved how he used her jealousy to get her to come to him wicked and hot and sexy loved the last part awesome beautifully done

  4. beautifully written. it is like a honeymoon.

  5. Very beautiful chapter! I thought that he will tell her those words in the end which she is dying to hear from him but why is holding back? Thank god there is no Shyam here.
    Buajaji is one evil woman. She knows that Khushi is beautiful but she wanted make her feel ugly so Khushi will lose self-confidence! It was beautiful they Arnav made her realize that how beautiful and sexy she really is. And if your husband think that your beautiful and sexy then others opinions doesn't matter, does it? Glad that Arnav didn't have any relationship with la!
    Thank you for the update but we will get one on Wednesday as well right?

  6. wow that was amazing, i was waiting for them to get lost in their passion and they did just in the view of Taj Mahal, I'm glad she told him about what La said and aww both of them have been jealous

    Lets see what happens after this amazing amazing night :P

  7. Should we hate La for her lies or love her cause for it arnav an Khushi finally clairifite at least some missunderstandings and baaaaaam was that Passion. Loved every Bit of it. Arnavs Way of eradicating khushis complexes were wobderfull. Still the sentences Where she thought: ... He Said everything; beside the One Thing she wanted so eagerly to hear. Hope Khushi can find a Way to Tell him the truth about his mother and her past. And he will believe her like he Said to her when confrontinf her with la' issue: so Easy Khushi? Well i understand that the Option to Chose between Ur own mother and Ur Life is a hell Lot more tough. So lets See what Happens. Great Update dear

  8. both updates were beautifully written...keep it up

  9. beautifully written - sensuous, and loving.. just the way one always imagines them to be... !!

  10. at least now Arnav knows about La

    so hot!!! wow they really are on fire

  11. My my. It was not just hot but there was lso an emotional closeness between them. They know each other so well. Arnav knew that Khushi will ome running after him,at the mention of Lavanya accompanying him. It is good that Khushi told Arnav about Lavanya. Hope he does omething about Lavanya being rude to Khushi.

  12. Beautifully written. Its a pleasure to read your writing!

  13. that was amazing... at least now Khushi knows the truth about Lavanya...

  14. Hot and sensual....glad one misunderstanding cleared....I shared Khushi's relief and happiness at Arnav's ...he has brotherly feelings towards La.....ROFL....well they are more close now than ever, emotionally and physically.....

  15. Arnav has a shatir dhimag... loved how he used Khushi's jealousy to get her to come to him. So cute one misunderstanding cleared. Lavanya is such a stupid. Arnav thinks of her like a sister. Glad khushi told him about what Lavanya told. About khushi's buaji, she is a vile woman... how could she do that to a child make her feel so unloved and lied and told her she was not beautiful.
    Oh MYy God!!!! Loved how Arnav made her realize that how beautiful and sexy she really is. And if your husband think that your beautiful and sexy then others opinions doesn't matter, does it?.... It is so sizzling, explosive and serene.
    I wish Khushi told him about Shyam and his mother and I am sure he will believe her like he believed her when she told about Lavanya.

  16. Their love is ve is surreal....if only they can confess their love 💕
