Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Valley of Flowers Chapter 9

RAIZADA Mansion was resplendent with lights, shimmery curtains and flowersadorning its walls, on the night of Diwali. A huge rangoli lined with diyas adorned the floor of the foyer providing a glowing welcome to guests who would arrive for the Diwali party.
The entire Raizada family stood in the living room along with the Malhotras, Lavanya and NK.
As Khushi walked down the stairs, Arnav lifted his head automatically sensing her before everyone else. She was stunning. Her milky white skin glowed against the red saree --  a red georgette with a gold and bronze zari border and a brocade blouse in red, bronze and gold threads.His heartbeat began its erratic rhythm as he realized this was the same saree she worefive years ago – the very first time he had seen her in a saree.
But there was a difference in the way she looked then and now. Earlier if she was gracefully willowy – now -- she looked utterly sensual. Her breasts and hips were fuller, making her waist look even tinier making him want to wrap his hands around it. But what surprised him was that she managed to look innocent and demure as though she was unaware of her own sensuality, her career in showbiz notwithstanding. Her long and lustrous black hair fell like a water fall down her back, swaying as she walked with the grace of a dancer. The dozen red bangles on her right hand slid downward as she lifted her hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, in an unconscious gesture. He knew most of the male guests’ attention was riveted on her but he noted with satisfaction that her eyes were drawn to him.
He almost took an unconscious step toward her, when he saw NK walking to the base of the stairs to take her hand. He fisted his hands at his side, his jaw hardening as a barely controlled temper simmered in his brown eyes.
Khushi’s eyes clouded as reality hit her with a force. NK! NK was offering his hand but her own handrefused to comply. She made an excuse that her hand was dirty.
‘I don’t know why Khushi behaves like a prude,’ Lavanya muttered under her breath. ‘As if she couldn’t have given NK her hand.’
‘Well, traditional Indian women are not prone to giving their hand to any Tom, Dick or Harry.’ Arnav retorted trying to keep his tone as neutral as possible.
‘Come on Arnav, she is almost engaged to him.’
‘The key word here is almost Lavanya.’ He grated.
‘Don’t we get to see your performance today dear?’ Mrs Malhotra asked Khushi as she and NK joined their group.
‘Sorry Mrs Malhotra.’ NK said regretfully.
‘Khushi bitiya has taken on the burden of making all the arrangements for this party.’ Naniji explained. ‘I didn’t want her to tire herself further.’
‘She even made the rangoli you all saw in the foyer.’ Anjali supplied.
‘I couldn’t have done without your help Di.’ She and Anjali had painstakingly made the rangoli the previous night, amidst laughter while she regaled anecdotes from her stint at her TV show. Arnav had joined them a little while earlier to fix a small fault in the wiring for the serial lights and they had hung out together like old times.
‘I am sure Khushi could manage a small itsy-bitsy performance.’ NK said jovially.
‘Why don’t you do something when so many people are asking?’Mamiji’s tone was acidic.
‘I have never seen Khushiji’s performance.’ Shyam added to Khushi’s woe.
Arnav spoke up. ‘I am afraid Khushi will not be able to perform tonight.’ Everyone including Khushi looked at him expectantly, ‘We have a meeting scheduled with a client and I need her to be present.’
‘Meeting on Diwali?’ Mamiji asked suspiciously.
‘There is no Diwali in the US Mamiji,’ Anjali supplied gleefully.

A little later, as Khushi stood in the kitchen making sure the snacks for the evening was ready to be served, she heard someone come into the kitchen. She knew it had to be Arnav.
‘If you expect me to thank you for little stunt you pulled out there, you can forget it.’
‘Why not? It was no thanks to your kiss-ass almost fiancé.’
‘Don’t say that!’Khushi’s khol-lined almond eyes flashed at him in anger.
‘Kiss-ass or almost fiancé ? What are you objecting to?’ His smirk was beginning to irritate her.
‘Will you just leave me alone? I don’t need your help. I am perfectly capable of handling my own issues.’
‘Fine!’ He walked away leaving he all alone in the kitchen.
Tears welled up in Khushi’s eyes as she quietly put the snacks into plates. Earlier in the evening, as she had finished dressing and looked herself in the mirror she had been shocked to see that she had worn the same saree she had worn five years ago. She knew that she had unconsciously dressed for Arnav. When she had come down the stairs, she had sought him out in the crowd, her heart beating its erratic dhak-dhak when she found him looking at her with those mesmerizing brown eyes.
No one could look more handsome than him in a chocolate brown shirt and dark blue denim. The shirt fit taut on his wide shoulders and muscular chest while two of the buttonswere undoneto reveal a wee bit of his chest hair. His hair was still brushed back but some errant locks had fallen over his forehead making her want to run her hand through his thick tresses. Then NK had come into focus with his hand extended toward her bringing her out of her day dream. Reality had set in.
She was supposed to be dressing for NK and not for Arnav. She was going to marry NK --  not Arnav.
Just because NK had been completely caught up with work in the past few days, it didn’t mean she could forget that he was the one she was going to marry. The last few days she had spent with Arnav had completely thrown her off balance. It just wouldn’t do.
Khushi spent the next hour making sure the Malhotra’s were comfortable as per NK’s request. He told her that Vishal Malhotra had most likely made a decision regarding who he was going to appoint to head the project and he was extremely nervous. But however much she tried, Ria had made it a point to join Lavanya in ignoring her.
Finally at dinner, Vishal Malhotra made the big announcement that the post belonged to NK as Arnav had turned down the offer. Then he looked at Arnav. ‘I hope you will still help us as an external consultant if there is a need Arnav.’
‘Of course Vishal uncle.’ Arnav replied his mood a little sombre.
‘So NK,’ Mrs Malhotra said looking at him. ‘Now that you have your promotion, when is the wedding going to be?’
‘Mama please!’ Ria admonished.
‘That’s alright Ria,’ Mamiji said giving an artificial smile, ‘Akash is well on his way to recovery. I don’t think the wedding date is too far.’
Amidst congratulations and applause, Khushi heart began to hurt like someone was squeezing it. She sensed Arnav eyes on her but refused to look at him, afraid he would be able to see what she was feeling right now.
She stepped out into the garden for a breath of fresh air when NK came up to her.
‘Khushi, I am sorry I haven’t been able to spend time with you. But it all paid off, don’t you see?’ he exclaimed. ‘Finally I have got what I wanted Khushi! I really worked hard for this.’
Khushi knew that he had always taken his position at VM for granted, constantly complaining to her about the work load. He had never imagined he would have to fight for the promotion one day. He had only been driven to work like this after Arnav had entered the scene. Even now, Mr Malhotra had made it clear that NK had been given the project only because Arnav had rejected it. As usual NK refused to acknowledge the reality.
‘Congratulations Nanheji.’ Khushi smiled feeling happy for his success.
‘Today your sweet smile is not going to suffice Khushi,’ NK said and put his hands on her shoulders bring her closer.
‘Nanheji, someone will see us,’ Khushi protested in alarm.
‘Who cares? I have every right!’ He snaked his arms around her and hugged her. To the onlooker it would have looked a very passionate embrace, only Khushi couldn’t control the sick feeling inside her; she felt violated. Hey Devi Maiyya how was she going to endure marriage to this man when she couldn’t even bear his mere touch?
‘Khushi,’ there was a note of faint annoyance in NK’s tone. ‘You can’t freeze up like this every time I try to touch you. There is nothing wrong in this. I love you and we will be getting married.’
‘It’s hard for me to show my emotions.’ Khushi said feeling really low.
‘But you showed them to someone once.’ NK pointed out insultingly.
‘I knew you would finally get round to saying that,’ Khushi said bitterly. ‘I should never have told you.’
‘I am sorry Khushi.’ NK said quickly. ‘Let’s forget I said all that, ok?’ He smiled as he put a hand around her shoulders, a flag of ownership, and walked her slowly back to the house.
With an electric sense of expectancy Khushi looked up at Arnav’s bedroom to window, to see him watching them. Her face flushed and her heart gave a sudden painful lurch.

A little later, Khushi went up to Payal’s room to ask her if she needed anything and found her parents and Buaji seated there talking to her. Her Amma and Babuji were engrossed with little Ashu but Buaji went up and closed the door to the room.
‘Khusi,’ she said in her gruff voice. Both her parents looked up a little worried look on their faces.
 ‘It will do you good not to forget that you are almost as good as engaged to Nandakisore.’
‘Of course Buaji.’ Khushi said wondering what Buaji was hinting at.
‘Then keep away from Arnav Singh Raizada!’ Buaji came directly to the point. ‘I do not want what happened five years ago to repeat now. Do you understand? If Akash bitwa wasn’t so unwell we would never have allowed you to stay in the same house as Arnav Singh Raizada.
‘Hai re Nandakisore! I still cannot forget the day his mother came to our house and insulted us -- all because of you.’
‘Jiji, please!’Shahshi implored his sister and then turned to look at his younger daughter with sad eyes.
‘It is not appropriate to close the doors like this in Payal’s in-laws house.’ Garima added firmly.
Buaji looked at her brother and his wife. ‘Alright, alright. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.’
Garima looked at Khushi, ‘Khushi knows that we have given our word to Manoramaji.’

As Khushi stepped out of Payal’s room, she ran up to the terrace needing to escape. She stood looking at the aerials bursting into brilliant colours and remembered the last time she had stood exactly in the same spot five years ago. Nothing much had changed since then. She had been hurt and angry even that night.

Lavanya had apologized to her profusely after having received a lashing from Arnav about the temple incident. But she had come back again begging for her help. This time her would be mother-in-law had asked her to draw a grand rangoli for Diwali that was around the corner.
As usual Lavanya had left her to her own devices, and as she sat making the huge rangoli, Arnav had come up to her. She remembered how nervous she was while Arnav sat next to her watching her with those mesmerising eyes. Then he had moved her hair from her eyes, his finger lingering on the curve of her cheek, ‘Thank you.’ he whispered huskily.
At her questioning look he said, ‘For taking care of me when I was sick.’
‘That was the least I could do for saving my life.’ She had whispered completely flustered.
Just then Anjali joined them breaking the moment as she offered to help her finish the rangoli.
On the night of the Diwali party, she was performing to the song Radha Kaise Na Jale from the movie Lagaan. She wore a deep purple long net sleeved choli with a dark pink lehnga, with a patch of the deep purple just above the wide silver and gold border of the lehenga. Her chunri was shaded with a combination of purple and pink.
As she danced, she felt like exactly like the character who had danced to this song in the movie. She felt a deep jealousy envelope her entire being as she saw Lavanya dressed in all her finery, cozying up to Arnav. He seemed to be enjoying her attention as well. He looked dapper in his short close collared white sherwani on black slacks. Why was he behaving like this all of a sudden?
After the song came to an end, she hurriedtoward the guest room not wanting to run into Arnav and Lavanya. She got into the bathroom so she could change back into her saree.Just as she was done and had opened the bathroom door a little, she heard voices and she thought she heard her name.
‘Sharada, your son hasn’t taken his eyes off Khushi all evening,’ Mrs Kashyap said irritation evident in her voice.
‘What are you talking about Sumi?’ Mrs Raizada seemed to be surprised. ‘Isaw him with Lavanya all evening.’
‘My daughter might be hanging on his arm but his eyes were elsewhere.’
‘Look Sumi,’ Sharada Raizada said in a firm tone, ‘Arnav is young and his eyes might wander here and there but that doesn’t mean anything.’
‘Have you spoken to him about Lavanya yet?’ Mrs Kashyap had the desperate tone of a girl’s mother.
‘All in good time. I wanted Lavanya and him to get to know each other first. I know my son. He doesn’t like anything forced on him.’
‘Sharada, if I were you I would keep an eye on Khushi.’ Mrs Kashyap warned her.
‘Don’t worry about Khushi. My son will never go for a low-class girl like her. He will do as I say.’
Making sure the women had left the room, Khushi slowly came out of the bathroom. She couldn’t go back into the living room right now. She ran up the stairs and into the terrace, tears streaming down her cheeks. She deserved all this and more for dreaming about Arnav, she thought to herself as she stood looking at the aerial fireworks light up the night sky. Nothing was lost. It was just a silly infatuation from her side. She could forget him and move on.
Arnav stood looking at Khushi from the entrance of the terrace. Earlier this evening as he stood talking to Lavanya, he sensed her presence and turned around just in time to see her walk in with her sister. His heartbeat had stopped for a moment when he saw that she was wearing a saree.
 It was the first time he was seeing her in a saree and that too in his favourite colour -- red. Her long hair was braided and adorned with jewels along its entire length.With gold and red bangles on her wrists and matching necklace and earrings, she almost looked like a bride. An odd sensation had overtaken his heart and mind, shaking him up to his very core.He needed some time away from her.That’s why he had been avoiding her all evening. But he couldn’t any longer. He had to meet her.
As she stoodlooking up at the cataclysmic explosion of fiery colours in the night sky, Arnav came and stood next to her. When she sensed his presence, she made a move to walk away from him, her whole body clinking with the sound of bangles and her payals. Suddenly Khushi felt a tug. Arnav had caught hold of her braid.
‘Let me go Arnavji.’
He pulled her closer until she stood right in front of him. She refused to look at him.
‘I am sorry.’ He whispered in her ear.
She flashed her eyes at him turning her face a little sideways. ‘What for?’
‘You know.’ He said huskily.
‘No I don’t!’ Khushi snapped back.
‘So you are not angry about me spending all evening with Lavanya?’ he tightened his hold on her braid.
‘Why should I care who you spend time with?’ she said nonchalantly.
‘It doesn’t matter to you?’ His voice was dangerously low.
‘No it doesn’ !’ Khushi exclaimed emphatically, ‘I don’t care!’
Arnav suddenly grabbed her bare waist, turned her around and pulled her flush against himself and brought his lips down smack against hers.
Time stood still for Khushi as she felt her insides burst into fiery sparkles very similar to what she had viewed in the sky a little while earlier. She clutched at his shoulder and held on for dear life.
Arnav knew he had lost control the moment his lips touched her velvety soft ones. He slid his tongue in between her lips caressingthe inside of her upper lip with a feather light touch forcing her to open her mouth to him with a gasp. He let go of her braid to cup his fingers around the back of her delicate swan like neck.
When his tongue entered her mouth Khushi stiffened in shock but he tightened his hold on her waist and pulled her further into this hardness. As his tongue explored the warm recesses of her mouth, Khushi’s head began to swim, her entire body quivering as heat pooled in the pit of her stomach.
When he felt her knees buckle he finally lifted his head to look down at her dazed face, her breath coming fast and light. She immediately snaked her hand around his neck and hid her face in its crook.
‘Khushi, are you alright?’ Arnav asked her softly, holding her in his arms, as her breathing calmed down a little later. He held her by her shoulder and gently moved her away to face him.‘Khushi?’ his caramel eyes filled with concern.
She couldn’t bear the tenderness in his voice. She tore herself away and ran, SharadaRaizada’s cruel words piercing through the haze --- “My son would never go for a low-class girl like her.”

‘I would have never have pegged you down for a trophy wife but you seem to adapting yourself to this new role very well. I guess you finally realized that following a career in dance is not very lucrative.’ Arnav said behind her bringing her out of her reverie.
‘What are you doing here?’ she said turning around sharply.
‘We are in a meeting remember?’ he joked.
‘It’s not funny.’
‘So what’s with the sour face? You should be happy that your fiancé got the coveted project.’ he goaded her.
‘Have you come to collect your price?’ She asked scathingly.
‘You remember.’ He smirked.
‘In your dreams!’
‘Why? You seemed very free with your favour a while back.’ He said sarcasm lacing his tone.
‘Nanheji and I are going to be married!’ She shot back angrily.
‘God the men you exploit through your beauty! Doesn’t the fool know you don’t love him?’
‘Did you know?’ she flung at him recklessly, desperate to wound as she was being wounded herself.
In one movement he twisted her arms behind her back and pulled her flush against him. ‘Don’t provoke me Khushi.’
‘What do you want Arnav?’ She knew what he wanted with a certainty – a lifetime of torture.
‘That’ it,’ he said reading her eyes.
‘You can’t force such a thing.’
‘Who’s forcing?’ He put his hand under her chin and held it there. ‘Whatever we felt Khushi, got twisted, but the excitement is still there. You are as beautiful and destructive as you ever, only this time I know what I am in for.’
‘No, Arnav!’ she protested.
‘Why not? If you hadn’t followed your path to glory, if you hadn’t shown yourself a heartless little adventuress, my mother might still be alive today.’
‘No!’ She tried to turn her head, but his fingers were locked around her jaw.
‘You know you had me fooled?’ Arnav went on. ‘I thought we had something special. I thought you were the most remarkable girl in the world. Your beauty, your gift, your compassion, your intelligence, your innocent exuberance. I was oblivious to everything that was deceitful in you --your cruel streak. My mother warned me about you.’
‘And a mother can never go wrong.’ Khushi said tonelessly.
‘Now I can see why you have so many fans Khushi. You are a wonderful actress.’
‘I have your mother to thank for that!’
Her blood surged even before he tightened his hold on her arm and pulled her to him and though she arched herself backwards he found her mouth. Khushi’s own anger surged and she took a handful of his hair with her free hand, pulling hard. Her action only egged him to grab a handful of her hair to hold her firmly as he deepened his kiss, sending a jolt through her body, the passion so ecstatic she could no longer hold herself from opening her mouth to invite the invasion of his tongue and experience the familiar rapture. Arnav -- there could be no other for her. It was like the last five years had melted away.
He devoured her mouth under his, then began to explore it very thoroughly drinking from her like a thirsty man in a desert.
She was sliding into a feverish, drowning state. Why should one man move her unendurably? Why?
‘I want you.’ He whispered lifting his head after what seemed like an eternity.
Khushi’s breathing had intensified, breasts heaving up and down, lips parted as if she were taking air through her mouth.
‘I know you want me too,’ he said, his caramel eyes deep and intoxicating on hers.
‘No.’ She breathed.
‘No?’ She knew he was going to kiss her again, but could not move to stop him. She had expected his kiss to be aggressive, abrasive – like the previous one, instead, it was tender and slow – a purely sensual assault – as he took his time to make love to her mouth.
When his hand sought her breast, sliding under her pallu, in the achingly familiar way, heat pooled in her core and she wanted to scream with frustration her head ringing with her own incoherent cries.
‘Don’t challenge me Khushi,’ Arnav said harshly as he let her go suddenly. It was ravishment without release, a mind-bending, flesh throbbing punishment. She winced in pain as she rubbed her arm where he had held her.
‘Let me see that!’ He tried to look her bruise, but she snatched her hand back angrily.
‘Oh you don’t have to worry about that. I am used to it remember?’ It’s the bruise in my heart that won’t heal.
‘You think using force will gain you everything you want!’ Khushi spat back at him. ‘You asked me once what I see in NK. Let me tell you now. Unlike you, he is a thorough gentleman who knows how a woman should be treated!’
As Arnav’s eyes burned like hot coal boring holes in her back, she ran from him as fast as her legs could take her.


  1. Hey first to comment ..
    So sad for Khushi ....every one trying to take advantage of her..someway or the other..why is everybody trying force her into paying the price for whatever went wrong in their lives....including NK uses her to make their dreams come true....
    Excpet Anjali and ofcourse Nano no one talks to her without any selfish motives....I think worse is about to come from Shyam...
    Hate Arnav like anything....how can great he even loved Khushi once...he never believed her no trust at all ever .All he has now is lust...as bad as creepy Shyam.....hate him...
    Is there any end to the tragedy n torture going on in her life

    1. Thanks Jyothi!

      Didn't expect any one to see this update as I still haven't posted on IF!

      Don't hate Arnav dear....

      he is hurt because he doesn't know that truth about his mother and khushi can't tell him the truth

      Arnav can never be as selfish as NK nor as creepy as Shyam

      he would never touch Khushi that way if she didn't want him to

  2. Absolutely awesome.....they finally kissed....Diwalis' create magic...jaadu hai nasha hai...
    Where as the kiss took me to cloud nine....there was overall a sense of melancholy....two people deeply in love are shrouded in such a deep conspiracy ...God how I despise Sharada Raizada, worse thing being she is dead now....Kavitha seriously you named Mrs Kashyap 'Sumi'...Lol.....
    Beautifully penned dear..my heart is feeling heavy after reading the update..,kyun dard hai itna tere Ishq mein..eagerly awaiting next update.....xx

    1. Thanks Anu !

      it is truly kyun darh hai itna .....but that is Khushi Arnav's love full of pain in the beginning

  3. Replies
    1. Oh finally kiss!
      Arnav is so blind with his mother's word against Khushi! And it wont be easy to make him believe Khushi and I think that why khushi is not even trying to tell him the truth. Does Arnav blame Khushi for his mother's death?
      I dont like NK! He wants a trophy wife and Khushi is just perfect for that.
      The kiss was beautiful and worth the wait!


  4. K, I am so glad you kept ur promise and that too with a bonus!!! The pain both the protoganist go thro in their own minds is so real..great update and a surprise too since its not Wednesday yet...

  5. This is to make up for any future delays in the update LOL

  6. amazing...not loving Arnav's mom right at this moment but I am guessing that was ur intention in the writing....loved the chemistry between the two...eagerly waiting to see how the unfolds

  7. dude!!! never thought i would hate NK to this extent, hate it when he selfishly behaves with khushi
    why is Arnav being an ass and fighting for her instead of accusing her damn it! geez, and on top of that shyam sigh!!!
    Arnav should just grab her and take her away from from all these vultures including their families, who each want a piece of her and at least look around and try to protect.
    loved the update
    thanx for the pm
    plz continue asap:)

  8. When will Arnav open his eyes and see his mother for what she really is? Everybody seems to want a pound of Khushi's flesh. Can't NK leave her alone and hook himself up with Ria who seems to want him.
    Love the chemistry between Arnav and Khushi. They don't realise that they are still in love with each other. Beautiful update.

  9. i cant tell u how glad i am u updated man i wanna tell u sumthing else i jus reread dr and i was like how do u manage to keep me hooked throughout the whole story without flinching i know the plot already but it seems like i am rediscovering the story all over agian, anyway i just loved this chapter i dunno if i am right but this arnav as almost a very calm exterior though he is very aggressive with kushi otherwise he seems very composed it was beautifully written kushi seems to be the one whos more expressive with all the pain their relationship is getting complicated by the day well done

  10. Why is Khushi so selfless and so giving??? Argh sometimes its so frustrating...I just wish she would stand up for herself.... So far apart from nani no one has been even polite to her...NK cant think beyond his career, Mamiji is rude to her for no reason, Payal is too busy to care, Buaji is annoying as usual, arnav is hurt and wants to her, shyam wont stop lusting after her.... N lavanya and ria hate her because they consider her a threat. I hope Arnav finds out the truth soon....

  11. Poor Khushi always being hurt by everyone

    Lavanya and Ria are jealous because the men they want, really want Khushi

    Everyone just uses Khushi for their own benefit they really don't care about her

    She loves Arnav so much that she sacrificed everything for him yet he believes she want fame and money

    All this because of his stupid mother that he worship and she was a total bitch to Khushi

    Cant wait for him to find out what his mother did

  12. Poor Khushi.My heart cries for her. Excpet Anjali and Nani no one talks to her without any selfish motives. NK is selfish and uses her to make his dreams come true. Lavanya and Ria are jealous because the men they love, really want Khushi. Mamiji is unnecessarily rude to her and Buaji annoying and I never saw Payal talking to her affectionately than formally and shyam, I don't even want to think about him.
    Arnav loves Khushi deeply but he is hurt because he doesn't know that truth about his mother and khushi can't tell him the truth and Khushi also loves him and only him with her heart, soul and body but No one can doubt their mother that's why Arnav believed his mother's word against Khushi and it wont be easy to make him believe Khushi and I think that why khushi is not even trying to tell him the truth.
    Loved Arnav and Khushi's kiss and their sizzling chemistry. Both are not stopping each other from touching even when they say hate each other... ha ha ha ha
