Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Valley of Flowers Chapter 4

ARNAV woke to the sound of chirping birds at his bedroom window as sunlight sliced throughthe gap in the curtains and bathed his eyelids. He walked up to the window to jerk the curtain back in place when he caught a figure in blue walking through the shrubs of jasmine and hibiscus that had flowered in the huge backyard garden of the Riazada house.
He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her since the moment he laid eyes on her in the party.A small look from her had made his heart beat faster, something he hadn’t felt in a long long time. He wanted to be so angry with her. But he couldn’t. His insides had completely melted when he had watched her dance. There was no doubt she had become an accomplished dancer. Earlier, where there was exuberance of her youth, now there was a sort of passionate abandonment in her movements.He hadn’t seen that before. Was NK responsible for this change in her? He couldn’t bear that thought.

He knew he had to keep away from Khushi. God was witness to the number of times his mother had drilled it into her children’s heads, about the ill effects of associating with people of lower strata of society, her own marriage being a disastrous example of one. And he had no intention of getting on her wrong foot. He didn’t believe much in relationships anyway. So it didn’t matter to him one way or the other.
That is exactly why he was nonplussed byhis compulsive need to walk about in front of Nani’s room, hoping to catch a glimpse of Khushi, when there were millions of other places in the Raizada house. For a guy whose concentration level was so high,he wouldn’t hear a blender running in the same room he had no idea why his senses were on full alert when he heard the tinkling of her anklets or the clinking of her bangles.
Luckily for him, Khushi had kept away from him afterthe incident with the phone and the orchids. Her idiosyncrasies had made it easy for him to avoid her. She was just a frivolous girl, not to be taken seriously. Why then, did he feel as restless as a cat on a hot tin roof?
One of the days, he found her tending to some plants in the back yard.‘What the f@#$ do you think you are doing?’ He yelled making her jump up in fright. ‘I told you not to touch those!’
‘Those orchids were the rarest kinds and cost me a fortune. But how would you understand? You are just bent upon killing them aren’t you?’
She had run away from him with tears in her eyes,and to his disbelief he found his orchids looking fresh and healthy.Had she nursed them back to health somehow?
The next moment, he felt a spray of water soaking through the shirt at his back. Khushi was hosing him down, holding the garden pipe in her hand.
‘I think you need to cool down Mr Raizada!’ she called out angrily.
‘Khushi stop!’
He strode toward her in anger. ‘I said stop!’
Khushi scrambled back in fear, but unfortunately stepped into the wound up water pipe and began to fall. Acting on reflex he had stretched out his hand and caught her but in the process he got his own feet caught on the same pipe and they both fell on the ground in a heap on the wet mud.
In a move to get off him, she tried hauling herself with her hands only to fall back as her dupatta wrapped itself around his body, effectively trapping her to him. In a panic to pull the dupatta from under him, she ended upsmudging mud all over him.
In a fit of anger, he caught her hands and quickly rolled her under him, pinning her with his body.
Khushibecame agitated andbegan to squirm under him, alerting him to the position they were in. In one swift moment, he got off her stretching out his hand to help her get up. The pipe having been stuck between them soaked them both to the bone.
As Khushi stood shivering with cold, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her thin kurti was stuck to her like a second skin.As water ran in tiny little rivulets down her face, a few strands of her hair stuck to her forehead and cheeks and a few droplets settled on her lush lips drawing his attention to them. The next moment she had taken a step back making him look into her eyes.
It was the look in them – something akin to fear that made him turn around and walk away as fast as his legs could take him.

Arnav sat at the breakfast table sipping his coffee, while Naniji ate her breakfast.
‘Akash seems to be recovering well.’ He had visited Akash just before coming down for breakfast. His heart had gone out to his brother, seeing him in such a helpless state. He and Akash had been close when they were children but the parents’ animosity had taken a toll on their relationship and it had grown distant over the years. They had hardly communicated with each other in the last few years.
‘The doctor says he will be alright in a month or so.’
‘I guess Payal is having tough time, taking care of an ill husband and a six month old at the same time.’
‘That is exactly why Khushi moved in with us.’ Nani said. ‘She helps in the cooking and takes care of Ashu as much as she can.’
‘Nani?’ Arnav hesitated. ‘Do you think it was a good idea for me to look into AR’s issues? He is not going to like it when he recovers and finds me here.’
‘Well, it doesn’t matter whether he likes it or not,’ Naniji said firmly. ‘I wish you hadn’t left with your mother all those years ago. Your grandfather’s company might not have been in this state today. And my daughter might still be alive.’
‘Nani, please ----’ Arnav looked up as Khushi came down the stairs.She wore a beautiful dark pink anarkali suit with a purple and silver border, the cutemphasising her tiny waist and the flare of her hips. Her braided hair fell like a rope down one of her breast. She looked more beautiful than ever.
‘Where is everyone?’ he asked Naniji trying to distract himself.
‘NK left yesterday night.’ She informed him. ‘NK lives in an apartment in Gurgaon, close to his office.
‘The rest in this household eat breakfast a little late.’
‘What about Di?’
‘Anjali and damadji left along with NK. They will come and stay with us for a few days as soon your jeejaji winds up with some work. You and Anjali should be able to spend some time with each other. She wants to talk to you about something important.’
Khushi sat down on the other side of Naniji, across from him and loaded her plate with a couple of idilis. ‘I am done with breakfast,’ Arnav said getting up quickly. ‘I have a quick ten minute call which I will take outside. I would appreciate it if you can quickly finish breakfast and bring Akash’s laptop with you.’
‘I already did,’ she said reaching for the cup of tea. ‘I will see you outside.’

A few minutes later, Arnav drove on the familiar roads of Delhi, the city he was born and brought up in. There was quite a bit of traffic on the road, with cyclists, two wheelers and cars trying to manoeuvre their way through the crowded roads, in spite of the availability of the Metro. It didn’t help that Delhi had its share of tourists trying to visit the historical city for its famous monuments.
 Though he was familiar with the AR’s location, he had to take Khushi’s help in the last few turns, not having visited the office in a long time.
‘We could have had Mohanji drive us.’ Khushi said.
‘I always like to be in control of the vehicle I am driving,’ he drawled. He had always made it a point to drive during each one of his visits to India. In fact, his favourite form of transport was his bike much to his mother’s dismay.
As they entered the office reception, Khushi took him around and introduced him to the staff. Arnav could see that the office was sparsely populated and was in dire need of some redecoration.After the initial pleasantries she led him to Akash’s cabin and opened the door for him.
‘This is jeejaji’s office.’
He didn’t feel like working in this room. ‘Is there any other place I can work?’
‘Well, there is a conference room.’
‘Show me.’
Khushi closed the door to Akash’s cabin and walked further into the hallway to take him to the conference room at the far end. She opened the door. The conference room was a small one enough for about six people. It had long rectangular table and a white board with a projector set up.
‘This is perfect.’ Arnav said looking at her as he laid the laptop bag on the table.
‘I will bring you coffee,’ Khushi said as she stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her. In a few minutes she was back with his coffee and put it next to the table next to his lap top.
In the next four hours Khushi had updated him, showing him on Akash’s lap top, the location of all documentation related to their clients and projects.She had also brought him the all the files that contained signed contracts of the deals that had been finalized. He realized there was a lot of work cut out for him to bring the company back to rights.
Then he saw Khushi packing her handbag.
‘Where do you think you are going?’he asked her.
‘No you are not. I need you here.’
‘I worked only part time for jeejaji.’
‘I can see now why the company was going down the drain,’ he drawled. ‘Akash has been very lenient with his hired help.’
She stood up and slung her bag over her shoulder. ‘Jiji will be waiting for me.’ She walked to the door. Just as she opened the door to the room, Arnav walk up behind and closed the door shut, the sound echoing loudly in the small room, making her jump.
‘Who do you think you are?’ he rasped into her ear. ‘Cinderella?’
‘You ran from Mr Malhotra’s house at midnight.’
‘I ---’
‘F@#$!’ He was staring down at her with contemptuous intensity and boldness. ‘Cinderella – in her beautiful gown and finery to entrap the rich prince,’ he said jeeringly, ‘You can run all you want but you cannot hide, Khushi Kumari Gupta.’
‘Arnav,’ she whispered. Hey Devi Maiyya, please give me strength.
‘Does it hurt like hell seeing me?’ he demanded, grasping her shoulder his fingers digging into the soft flesh of her upper arms.
‘Arnav, please!’ she begged.
Does it?’ he shook her.
‘Yes.’ she bent her head unable to look into his eyes.
The hard, handsome mouth curved sardonically. ‘You didn’t know I was coming?’
‘No.’ she shook her head.
‘I don’t believe you.’
‘It’s true.’ She threw back her head at his harshness, a few strands of her hair falling down the smooth curve of her cheeks. ‘You saw howNaniji kept it a surprise from everybody. Even Anjaliji didn’t know. And neither did Nanheji. Do you think I would have gone to the party if I had known?’
‘Who knows?’ His eyes swept her face, brilliantly insolent. I mean, you are the strangest, crazy, cruellest girl I ever knew.’
‘Does it matter now?’ she said a little wildly, ‘it all happened a long time ago.’
‘Are you telling me it doesn’t matter to you?’ His face visibly tightened into a daunting mask.
‘Please let me go Arnav,’ her eyes flashed at him.‘You are hurting me.’
‘Outraged?’ His hands tightened. ‘Maybe you are about to be punished five years too late.’
‘What are you going to do?’ She met his eyes steadily.
‘Does NK know?’
Now she flushed, her colour deepening. ‘We have discussed it. But he doesn’t know it is ----’
‘Me.’ He finished for her.
‘Can you let go of me?’ She turned her head to glare meaningfully at the steely fingers that still held her and as she did so his raised knuckles grazed the side of her breasts, burning her through her clothes, suffusing her body with heat.
‘No, Khushi, I cannot.’ The chaotic response reflected in the depths of caramel orbs. ‘Looks like I am in the ironic position of being able to oust your future husband – with Vishal uncle, of course.’
‘That is not fair.’ She defended NK. ‘Nanheji is a good man.’
‘Not good enough is what I hear.’
‘As arrogant as ever!’ Khushi snapped.‘How would you know Arnav?’ It was not use struggling. His hold on her was intractable.
‘Khushi,’ he drawled, ‘just because the poor fool is infatuated with you, it doesn’t mean it should prevent you from seeing that he is not tycoon material.’
‘And you are?’ Sarcasm laced her tone.
‘Vishal Malhotra seems to think so.’ He said smugly, raising his eye brows in a disturbingly familiar way.
‘So, you plan to join his company then?’
‘I wasn’t so sure until I saw you. My life has been empty. I want to fill it with ---‘
‘You should know. You are the expert in that field.’
Khushi almost sagged against him. It was obvious to her now that Arnav was going to use any method at all to humiliate her. He was a very proud man.
‘One of the things about you, Khushi,’ Arnav paused, ‘you were always ready to move up to bigger and better things.’
She didn’t react to his insult. ‘I don’t have to listen to you Arnav.’
‘So why are still standing here, your head bent like a victim?’ He smiled down at her, his eyelids half covering his brilliant brown eyes. ‘You want to join the elite circle by marrying NK, isn’t that right?
‘Strange, when you could have had me. I was fairly rich even then. But, career was your first priority back then, wasn’t it? You wouldn’t let anything come in the way of that. The whole world was waiting. What happened to all that Khushi Kumari Gupta?’
‘I never wanted what you thought at all.’
‘Liar.’ He shifted one hand and lifted up her chin. ‘Didn’t you always want to be a celebrity? Forever striving for perfection.Nani used to tell me that you were going to go places with your talent.’
Her eyes filled with tears, but she stared back at him. ‘Naniji was always very kind to me.’
‘At least some of us had the good sense to see through you,’ he jeered.
‘By some of us, you mean your mother.’
The planes of his face tightened into a frightening mask. ‘Don’t mention my mother Khushi or I don’t know what I will do.’
‘You have no right ----‘
‘You gave me lots of rights over you.’
Her heart lurched at the thought. ‘Not any more Arnav.’
‘Do you want to test it?’
‘You have become bitter and ruthless. I can see it in your face. You have changed.’
‘We all change when life if cruel to us.’
Absurdly enough, she realized nothing could assail her love for him, she gave in. ‘I am sorry Arnav, I am sorry.’ Her voice broke on her words.
‘Words,’ he said tenderly, like old times. ‘If I didn’t know any better I would have fallen again for that beautiful face and voice. But my days of beguilement are over. You taught me never to trust a woman again.’
Khushi felt so defeated she didn’t even look up. At eighteen, she had felt just as maimed and helpless, her head bowed as a rich woman had chastised her bitterly, flinging words at her she would never forget….. How dare you come near my son?…….is this what your parents have taught you? To trap rich boys? Sharada Singh Raizada had not minced any words while doing that.
‘Repenting Khushi?’ Arnav asked, over her head.
She nodded several times. Not the way you think.
‘I think you should tell NK.’
‘About us?’ she queried.
‘Don’t you think it is better before someone else does?’
‘No one knows.’
‘You never know when someone will figure it out.’
‘Are you going to tell him?’
‘Oh, I am too much of a gentleman.’ He pulled her toward him. ‘Men need protection from girls like you. Even yourNanheji.’
‘He loves me.’
‘Wonderful. Then he might take it well.’
She raised her eyes and her lips parted. ‘You always had cruel streak in you.’ She said scathingly.
‘You know me so well.’ His mouth twisted cruelly.
‘I will leave – if that’s what you want.’
‘Look, Khushi. You are beautiful and talented. I give that to you. But even for you, I don’t think it will be easy to find another rich guy.’
‘I really care for Nanheji.’ She said looking into his eyes.
‘Khushi, you can stand on the roof top and shout until the birds go home but nothing will convince me you love him. I am not a stranger, Khushi. I know you more than you know yourself. You had a miserable childhood, being raised in your aunt’s house with that obnoxious, sharp tonguedBuaji. But now, you are within easy reach of a life-style you only imagined. I don’t think you want to leave all this.’
‘You have me all figured out haven’t you?’ she said resignedly.
Arnav laughed at that, a cruel sound. ‘You always had the ability to charm people around you. In fact Mr Malhotra mentioned you more than NK during his talks. You seemed to have charmed the old man even before he met you.’
‘So you knew about me?’ Khushi raised her eyes in surprise.
‘Of course I knew you had come back. I still keep in touch with Nani and Di. Nani wanted me to come down here for a while now. I kept stalling her. But when Vishal uncle mentioned your name, I decided it was time.’
‘Don’t hurt him, Arnav,’ she begged.
‘What’s in it for me?’ His heated gaze sent a jolt of awareness all the way to the pit of her stomach.
‘If I stay here being tortured by you I will go mad,’ she turned away from him despairingly and he pushed her against the door.
‘Torture --’ he rasped. ‘I am beginning to enjoy the sound of that.’
‘Don’t!’ She brought herself to look at him, tall, very lean and beautifully rugged. ‘What can I do to convince you?’
Arnav grasped a handful of her hair and watched her lips tremble soundlessly, then as though tormented by their cushiony beauty he bent his head to an inch, a dark rush of blighted rapture from the too well remembered past.
Five long, pain-filled years might not have happened. Khushi closed her eyes, melting under his heated gaze, her body softening against his.
‘F@#$!’ Suddenly he almost threw her away and stepped away from her. ‘What do you do to me Khushi?’ He raked a hand through his hair, his brown eyes glittering like jets.
‘I feel dizzy,’ she whispered, hand to her head.
‘More drama.’
As Khushi slumped against the door, Arnavrushed to her and caught her before she could hit the ground. He swept her up in his arms in one movementand Khushi twined her arms around his neck.
‘This is the result of eating idlis instead of poori-aloo for breakfast.’ He grated as he carried her over to the sofa. ‘Let’s go and remedy the situation shall we?’


  1. Replies
    1. Oh so it was khushi who have hurt Arnav and that because of his mother! And he here to take revenge! I dont think that he know the entire truth, but maybe Nani does. I think khushi have told Arnav that she want to became famous and want to have a celebrity lifestyle. He going to make it hard for! Cant wait for their past.

  2. Arnav's mother seems to be the one responsible for all the angst in their lives. And she is dead, so Khushi will find it difficult to explain Arnav's mother's role in all that happened. The story is getting more interesting. Waiting for the next part.

  3. So Arnav's mom is a negative character. I think Anjali will help Kushi to come out of the mess..

  4. Is there a option you can give us to follow your blog.
    Keep writing....:)
    update soon. :)

  5. wow.....new concept.....so khushi took the decision to opt out of arnav's life

  6. What a twist? Sharada Devi is the antagonist in the story....love your detailed description...hope Nani comes forth as a Cupid....thanks once again!!!xx

  7. Khushi apparently walked out of the relationship ...
    breaking Arnav's heart ...
    Arnav's mom had a hand in their break up ... sad...
    waiting to know more ...

    Thanks ...

  8. So this update give some insight to story ARNAV'S mother hate middle class or lower class people then her and even then he strayed towards KHUSHI but she forced KHUSHI to leave him and thus making ARNAV believe same as her and now even though he have desires for her he want to torture her for past and I wonder if there something happened between them in past more then it shouldn't happened.

  9. Oh!!!Khushi apparently walked out of the relationship, breaking Arnav's heart. Arnav'S mother hate middle class or lower class people so she humiliated Khushi and forced Khushi to leave Arnav and I think khushi might have told Arnav that she want to became famous and want to have a celebrity lifestyle. So he here to take revenge!
    Oh!! He is going to make it hard for Khushi.

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